Saturday, December 31, 2005

Internet ExpBOREer

posted by Dave @ 10:43 AM   3 comments

I just looked at the blog using IE for the first time ever, basically, and it gets screwed up and reports an error. I'm not sure if others using IE see this, but I'm hoping it's due to some little thing in Pat's big nominations post (a risk of blogs, as everything is interpreted as html, you can screw up a template in a post). Hopefully just getting some other text in front of that post will fix that error for anyone still silly enough to be using IE. If you are, get Firefox.

I'm in Madison, and have no 208-appropriate things to post, thus I shall say Happy New Year's Eve to all, and may you enjoy this picture of a great party:

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Blogulution Awards - Vote Now!

posted by P. Arty @ 6:33 PM   8 comments

We have a ridonkulous amount of nominations. I'm thinking each person gets 3 votes per category. You can vote for the same item twice or even three times, but your total votes per category must be less than or equal to 3. So you get a total of 3 * 13 = 39 votes.

Send your votes to (note the spelling). Votes are due by 11:59pm on December 25th, 2005.

Best Blog

Best Post

Best Comment

Best Movie Review

Best Concert Review

Best TV Show Review

Best Post About a Celebrity

Best Description of an Everyday Event

Best Subject Line

Best Graph

Best Use of Graphics

Best Post from a Plane
Most Offensive Post


posted by Dave @ 2:51 PM   4 comments

On Pat's recommendation, I went into Facebook to retrieve a picture of Glen for the banner. HAVE PEOPLE SEEN THIS PICTURE OF WIPERT?!?!?

Welcome to Glen

posted by Dave @ 1:00 PM   1 comments

Hey Glen, glad to have you aboard. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of you, so you've been added to the banner in as shitty a manner as possible.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Who ate all the bombs!?!

posted by P. Arty @ 8:48 PM   2 comments

Good evening folks.

I am here to introduce to you the newest member of Life After 208 and the Blogulution. I know what you're thinking: "Those 208 jerks will let anyone join their blog." Not true.

The person I am introducing put in his time at the wonderful house located at 208 S. Bassett. He was there when we gloriously made Dave furiously bike to Blockbuster to get The Girl Next Door an hour before they closed. He was present at many a trips to Red Robin. He was scared like the rest of us by those Gardetto-loving mice.

I had the pleasure of studying with this clown tonight, and while doing so I was exposed to his artistic side. I had no idea that he had any sort of artistic side, so at least I learned something while studying for my Urban Land Economics final. If you have't guessed who it is yet, this taste of his artistic prowess will undoubtedly give it away:

Figure 1. A dog!

Figure 2. A dog in a bubble!

Figure 3. A big dog in a big bubble! Note the tail.

Figure 4. "Killer Balloon." It took him three tries to draw this. Three.

Welcome to the Blogulution, O'Hallerstink! Your huge list of nicknames will contribute to the greatness of our blog. Be sure to get your first post in soon so you'll be eligible for the Blogulution Awards!

A Very Special Message from Dave to You

posted by Dave @ 10:59 AM   0 comments

A friend of ours had this on their shelf. I think it is delightful, and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Blogulution Awards - Update!

posted by P. Arty @ 11:59 PM   3 comments

Two things:

1. I have scrapped the nomination limits for various reasons. Feel free to nominate as many posts as you want. Let's make it a clusterfuck.

2. I have three lists of nominations. I AM FURIOUS WITH EVERYONE EXCEPT TINA, HDR, AND O'GER! By the way, if you three want to nominate any additional posts/blogs, feel free.

That's all! YOU have 24 hours! GO!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Make Your Blogulution Award Nominations Now!

posted by P. Arty @ 11:39 PM   4 comments

Dear Everyone Reading This (Literally, everyone),

The next step of the First Ever Blogulution Awards is here. It's time to nominate your favorite posts/post-ers.

Here's what you do! Everyone may nominate up to two posts for each category, up to a total of 20 nominations. Make sure to include the category with your nominations (duh.). Send a list of your nominations to (note the spelling). The deadline is 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 20th.

The categories are as follows:

1. Best Post
2. Best Comment
3. Best Movie Review
4. Best Concert Review
5. Best Television Show Review
6. Best Post About a Celebrity
7. Best Graph
8. Best Use of Graphics
9. Best Post from an Airplane
10. Best Blog
11. Best Subject Line
12. Best Description of an Everyday Event
13. Most Offensive Post

We're leaving it at thirteen, to represent the number of foosball games Metzger and I play in each match. Apologies to Metzger; I left yours out because I think they were too 208-specific. I also left 2 of yours out, HDR, because I don't think those really need nominations.

Seriously, folks. The more nominations the better. I don't care if I don't know you or if you're shy or if you don't believe in democracy; make some nominations! People I know that don't make some nominations will likely get a visit from John, our resident Jigsaw Killer. Ooooh...maybe we'll get some nominations from him!

Alright, nominate already!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The First Ever Blogulution Awards!

posted by P. Arty @ 12:12 PM   8 comments

Hey y'all. Sorry I've been so scarce around these blogparts as of late. A semester's worth of doing no work has caught up with me, and I've been paying for it lately. That's right, now I go to College Library for more than just Diet Mountain Dew, Urban Dead, and Yahoo! Gin.

Regardless, I am here today to make the first step towards organizing the Blogulution Awards. Here are the propositions I make. Literally everyone: let me know what you think about these details.

Proposed Date: December 26th, 2005

Proposed Time: 8:00pm

Proposed Location: Harry "O-Negative" "Bram Stroker's Spankula" Brammer's basement OR Wipert's basement.

-Best Post
-Best Comment
-Best Movie Review
-Best Concert Review
-Best Televitions Show Review
-Best Post About a Celebrity
-Best Graph
-Best Use of Graphics
-Best Post from an Airplane
-Best Blog

Here's what I need from y'all:

Comment to this post with any suggested changes to the plans. Please suggest more category ideas. On Friday, December 15th I'll post an official list of categories. We'll accept nominations From Friday, December 16th until Tuesday, December 20th. Voting will be done, via email, between December 21st and December 24th.

The awards will be handled like the poker prizes. Everyone will have to bring one or two things to give away as awards. We'll say no more than 10 dollars per item? We'll determine the details of this when we figure out all the categories.

Let's make the First Ever Blogulution Awards the best ever!

Edit: You don't have to be a part of the loosely defined Blogulution to suggest categories, make nominations, vote, or attend the award ceremony. The more input, the better!

Monday, December 12, 2005

There is still a pulse!

posted by caps @ 5:25 PM   2 comments

Ok, it has been awhile for all of us, so it is time to bring this blog back from its near dead experience. Who better to do that than the one with multiple near death experiences!

My run-in with bats and rabies is common knowledge, but I can add a few more to that. Once, while down here in Orland I was driving home from work on I-4 (Orlando's big crazy road, it must have to do with tourist drivers, work congestion, and old people). Anyway, during my drive, an adjustable ladder flies out of the bed of the pickup truck I am following. I take evasive actions in my car and survive (I still cannot follow any vehicles towing or hauling stuff). Another time was during John’s graduation. I may have told you this, but since he graduated from the school of Mortuary Science, they had his graduation ceremony at the annual area mortuary convention. It was neat because there were all these different venders set up to try and advertise and sell their products. Obviously most of these were pretty cool. There was everything from a guy that will lead funeral processions towing the casket with his Harley Davidson to “decontamination service” people. The most interesting product had to be the “body lift,” and oddly enough it did just that. This device would deliver a recently prepared body to its casket. Being the thrill seeker, I took it for a spin:

This is a ride most people only make once, but I was lucky enough to get a preview of the final run. I don’t know about you, but I would consider this to be another near death experience. Would this make me a psudo-zombie?

Wednesday I have an interview for another 6-month internship down here. This one would be for a zookeeper spot at the Animal Kingdom. I am a little nervous about the interview, since it is going to be a panel interview. If anyone has sample questions they want to shoot my way they would be really appreciated (Pat, hint hint). There are 4 spots, so that takes some pressure off, but if I don’t get one, I will be returning to Wisconsin to find a job.

By the way, just to rub it in a bit, today it was 60 degrees outside, and that is considered cold. I actually miss the snow; it doesn’t feel like Christmas without it (I don’t miss the long walks to class in the snow though). My roommate Aron (from Florida) was watching the Packer game with me last night and couldn’t believe that people actually wear facemasks and various other types of extreme cold weather gear. He found these to be hilarious.
Don’t worry though, when dealing with the cold, things come full circle. About 3 months ago I had my Nalgene in the freezer. In his attempt to get some ice, Aron knocked my bottle over and it came crashing down on his big toe. The nail turned black instantly (I was there to see it). He has not lost the nail yet, but I took this picture yesterday (he is lifting the nail).

If the cold weather is getting to you, maybe you can get some warmth in the thought of Aron’s toe (or at least puke warmth on yourself until it freezes). Ice holds mercy for nobody, even Floridians, in Florida!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Will the Drax Please Step up to the Mic?

posted by Dave @ 1:44 PM   1 comments

Coke to launch coffee-infused Coke Blak

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE:KO - news), the world's No. 1 soft drink company, on Wednesday said it will launch a coffee-infused soft drink called Coca-Cola Blak in various markets around the world in 2006.

The news of the launch came hours before Coke Chief Executive Neville Isdell was scheduled to address financial analysts and investors in New York.

The new drink, a combination of Coca-Cola Classic and coffee extracts, will be first launched in France in January before being rolled out in the United States and other markets during 2006.

A Coke spokesperson said Coca-Cola Blak will be a mid-calorie drink, similar to Coca-Cola C2, which was launched in April 2004 and contains half the sugar, calories and carbohydrates of regular colas. The formula for the new beverage is expected to vary based on local tastes.

Analysts have said one of the keys to the company's future is capturing more consumers who have moved away from sugary soft drinks to diet versions, or to healthier low- or no-calorie beverages.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

If I only had a brain

posted by Dave @ 9:15 PM   0 comments

Upon Pat's suggestion, I went out and scored me a BRAIN:

Monday, December 05, 2005

Glen O'Hallerstink in the News

posted by Dave @ 2:47 PM   1 comments

I found this picture of Glen in the Red Eye today. I guess he was driving around and drinking with some underage friends of his. Or maybe he lied about his age?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Insights Concerning Death Row

posted by Dave @ 1:21 PM   1 comments

So the death penalty is in the news lately. I am not so much interested discussing in most of the "important" questions surrounding this topic, but I did notice that Snoop Dogg has something to say about it. Snoop Dogg, along with several other celebrities, has set up a campaign to save a man nammed Tookie Williams. A man who FOUNDED THE CRIPS. I'm not going to get into weather or not this guy deserves a pardon, as I've never even met him, but while perusing Snoop Dogg's website concerning Tookie, I noticed this:

"In 1981 [Tookie Williams] was convicted of murdering four people during two robberies and sentanced to death row at San Quentin State Prison"

Snoop goes on to talk about how the trial was racist and the prosecutor hated black people. Again, I have no knowledge of any of this. But, I do have knowledge that 25 years is a damn long time to be on death row! Why on earth would you keep a man on death row this long? Sure, he had tons of appeals, even in front of the supreme court, and I'm sure there's lots of checking and paperwork involved in these sorts of things, but I mean really. A quarter century? That seems pretty nuts until you see this photo of Tookie when he was a younger man:


Tookie's right arm weighed as much as me. His afro weighed almost as much. Think about trying to kill this guy. You strap him down, put a needle in his arm, he's just going to flex through those straps, punch through the bullet-proof glass and run off. You need to give him a few decades to get old and weak. But even then he's a mountain of a man, so it's probably best to just let him die of natural causes, right? Wait, unless of course you had someone who could potentially contain this aged-yet-still-monsterous individual...

This is shaping up to be a true battle of the titans, should things come to a head. Unfortunately, the people of California seem to have missed that Schwartzie is looking downright old and fatcatish. See this below:

And while the Tooksmiester is looking pretty calm, you can tell that below that layer of denium is a finely chisled fighting machine. I'm guessing he's still got what it takes to throw some cars around.

My point is this, ladies and gentlemen: the powers that be in California think they have this under control. They've finally gotten themselves a super-powered punching machine to contain this ultra-strong gang leader, but they forgot that Schwartzo's been in office, doing nothing but eating candy and watching that skin that used to be pulled taught over massive muscles sag! If you're in California, and if execution day does come, I'd recommend getting east of the fault line before the Tooksinator rips the state off of the continent and makes it his personal fortress.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Lost Hierarchy of Hotness, or More Proof That P. Arty Is, In Fact, a Pig

posted by P. Arty @ 9:13 PM   7 comments

As you all know, my most recent television obsession has been Lost. One reason for this obsession is that Lost has the hottest, yet extremely well-developed, characters of all time. After much debate between Marcus, Metzger, Megan, and myself, I have assembled the official Lost Hierarchy of Hotness of Team Hayden.

Click for larger view.

After running the numbers, amazingly the pattern represents the right half of a standard normal curve. Let's take a more detailed look:

1. Jack - Holy crap, is this guy hot. This guy almost reaches Luke Danes and Legolas levels of male hotness. The moment I saw Jack wake up on the island and instantly save about six people's lives, I knew Jack was going to be king of the hierarchy. Not even his quarrel with Locke (see #8) could knock him to #2. His persistence and modest leadership, along with his huge tattoo-covered guns, make this guy the hottest Lost survivor.

2. Kate - Holy crap, is this girl hot. Barely edged out by Dr. Jack, Freckles takes second place. The recent shower scene nearly killed Metzger and me. Also painful were the scenes in which we had to watch Kate lie on top of Sawyer (twice!) and Charlie. The best Kate moments are undoubtedly when she was wading in her underwear, and swimming with Sawyer in her underwear. Freckles, we love you.

3. Shannon - Sticks would be higher on the list, if it weren't for all of her unattractive qualities, namely the snobbery and manipulativeness. The episodes in which she sunbathes have a very warm place in my heart. Especially the time when Marcus had to go downstairs to let Megan in, and Metzger and I rewound the show so we could pause it during one of those scenes.

4. Boone - Boone has got those unbelievable blue eyes also seen in the lead singer of The All-American Rejects (see the Swing, Swing video for evidence). Also, his willingness to help despite his overall incompetence gives him personality points. I look forward to seeing Boone in the upcoming thriller movie, Pulse. The only thing that was more thrilling than the trailer O-Neg, Parsley, and I saw were Boone's blue, blue eyes.

5. Claire - Yaba haba. Claire would be much higher on the list, but that pregnant period knocked her down a few points. Sans fetus, Claire is HOT. She has a less-extreme version of the Boone eyes, and a hot Australian accent. I'm jealous of Charlie's (not listed) strategy: invest time in the pregnant girl when she's pregnant, because when she's not she's gonna be banging! Last night Metzger and I broke into the double-handed knuckle bang twice in Claire's honor.

6. Sun - Once she dumped her hubby, Sun was free to show the world how much of a hotty she really is. Jin wouldn't even let her show her neck, but after their rift, Sun was showing off her hotness to the world. The only downside to her character is her doormat tendencies, but other than that Sun is one of the more consistently likeable characters on the island, contributing to her hotness rating.

7. Sawyer - Oh, Sawyer. Sawyer is undoubtedly my favorite character. So brash, but so fragile (the Jes of Lost). His southern accent and scruffiness add more charm to his character (i.e. hotness). Also, his charming nicknames for everyone (Freckles, Sticks, Chewy, Jackass, etc.) are endearing. Also, how could you not love Sawyer when he tells Jack about when he met his father or when Freckles is nowhere to be found before he leaves with Michael.

8. John Locke - His name says it all, folks. John Locke is the hottest old dude I can think of. His ability to go from cripple to master of the island within days is astounding, and his faith in "island magic" is great. His wisdom, however, is his most attractive trait. If I was ever on a deserted island, John Locke would be the second person I would most like to have with me, second to Freckles, of course.

9. Jin - At first, Jin was nothing but a pretty Korean face that was abusive to his wife, especially in that he prevented her from being a hotty. The more I watch the show, however, the more I fall in love with this guy. Like Sawyer, he's a lovable guy behind a brick wall of a personality. Despite Lisa and Megan's early clam that he is an ugly Asian dude, Jin is A-OK with me.

10. Michael - He was hot as Mercutio, and he's hot now, ladies and gentlemen. Like Dr. Jack, his dispute with Locke makes him less hot, but he was still able to just squeeze into the top 10. I'm not sure exactly why I like Michael, seeing how he's kind of a jerk to everyone. It probably has something to do with his "I'm a bad father, but I'm trying my best" plot line. I'm always a sucker for those.

Honorable Mention. Sayid - Ninety percent of the reason this guy made the
Hierarchy is because of what Megan said about him: "All you guys do is say how hot all the girls are. I'm saying I'd do Sayid." The other ten percent comes from his omnipotence: he can fix computers, triangulate radio frequencies, torture people, identify the magnetic properties of any metal, and determine the thickness of a layer of concrete just by hitting it with a platinum beam. This guy can do it all.

Did not make the list. Charlie, Hurley, Walt, Vincent, Ethan Rom, Rose, Rousseau, Marshall Edward Mars, the Dinobot, several polar bears, etc.