Friday, January 26, 2007

A Day In The Life

posted by Dan @ 10:04 PM   4 comments

Well I was recently speaking with Megan the other day and she had asked me to take a camera around with me and document my day. She was clearly homesick and not thinking straight so I tried to explain to how unbelievably boring that would be. I'm a programmer. Well I could not convince her that it would be a bad idea. So here you go Megan. A day in my life.

[ Note: While I write this The Transporter 2 is on HBO. Dear God - Pat was right and Dave was wrong. The fire hose scene is brilliant. ]

Oh - one other thing. I don't own a digital camera. These were all taken with my cell phone. So sorry if they look terrible because they do. But really it doesn't matter - it's not like my job needs high quality film to capture it. I'm not a transporter.

Alright, my day starts off with me waking up and having to leave my awesome bed.

Then I go and take a shower and get dressed.

This is what I look like when I wake up:

This is what I look like after:

Pretty much the same except my hair is combed and I'm less pissed off. After that I go back to my room and am able to see my car from my bedroom window.

Because of this I decided to put a remote starter my car. It's probably the greatest thing I've ever put into my car. And that includes me. I drive about 20 minutes to work and get to my office.

And this is what I see while at my desk.

Typically I don't have any meetings, but that isn't always true.

But don't let this picture fool you. If I remember correctly the third meeting never happened. The second one is held in a movie theater and we get to eat popcorn and I try not to sleep. Oh and the last one was for ice skating. Ideally though there I won't have any meetings.

Typically I come in and check my email and a few other websites.

Now we all know it is impossible to print a blog. But I think that now that there is a picture of our blog on our blog the universe might implode on itself if someone tries to print it. Did that just BLOW YOUR MIND? ]

The rest of my day pretty much looks like this.

Me having tea and compiling the new code I just downloaded.

Me checking email and listing to my iPod.

An action shot of my iPod in action.

Me eating, programming, and listing to my iPod.
Also know as multitasking.

After work I go to the shell if I have time or hang out with friends.

Then I go home and make some popcorn.

My kitchen. We finally got pots and pans after not having them for about six months.

Here is the fooseball and piano room.

And this is where I watch TV.

It's probably good to get this all on film. Because the space heater sitting on the cardboard box should burn down the apartment any day and this will help prove that I own a foosball table.

And finally bed.

And thus my day ends like it began. With me sleeping. I believe this is called a story arc. But I really don't know if that is right, I tried not to read in collage if possible. I did programmed a lot. So we'll call this a loop instead.

while (!Dan.dead)

That is more or less my day I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.

While I was pulling these pictures off my camera I found these:

Megan. The inspiration behind this post. She is probably drunk here.



Speaking of animals. If anyone who works with animals wants to post a day in their life I'm sure it would be much more interesting them mine. Actually I would love to see any of the 208ers' days.

[ Note: The transporter 2 is on again! This time I got to see him catch the bus with a jet ski. Brilliant. ]

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mirror of the Stars!!

posted by Dave @ 10:26 AM   2 comments

I can not f'n believe this. Either Pat has been sneaking around behind his business partner's backs or someone else actually had the same idea. The Mirror of the Stars is actually being produced. I'm speechless.


Wireless Network Antenna

posted by Dave @ 9:34 AM   2 comments

Long live the Life After 208 revival!

A question for Dan and Joe this time:
I've got this terrible wireless network at home that's annoying as h due to a mysterious forcefield in my bathroom that won't allow wireless signals to pass through. Because of that I'm using a repeater station to bounce a signal around the bathroom to Maria's computer. That little signal repeater has thwarted every attempt I've made to secure my network via password, so I've locked it down through MAC address and limiting the number of IPs the DHCP server will give out. That works fine most of the time, but when I want to use another device for a while, or a friend brings over a laptop or whatever, I have to go change settings on my router to serve up an IP. So I'd like to just lock things down with a password and get rid of that headache.

What I think would really fix this is some sort of antenna extension for Maria's wireless card (it's a PCI card with the screw-in antenna sticking out the back). If I could just get a cable that would let me mount the cable around the corner so it had a clear path to the wireless router I think we'd be set. Can I get some sort of cable that'll connect the antenna to the PCI card, allowing me to mount it remotely?


Monday, January 15, 2007


posted by Dan @ 11:17 PM   3 comments

Okay, I could probably just send out an email to Dave and Joe, but I decided to post again. If anyone out there has or is thinking about a DVR keep reading.

First let me say I love my ReplayTV. It has served me for over three years now, but lately I've been getting annoyed a few things and have been considering getting a new TiVO system.

1. It only has one tuner. This has seemed to be more annoying lately. There is often at least two things I want to tape at the same time.

2. I would love to be able to watch Divx and AVIs and what ever else I downloaded with out connecting my laptop.

3. I don't have an HD TV yet, but I figure in the next few years I will end up getting one. So it would make sense to get a DVR that does HD, or will be able to do HD with some sort of upgrade.

4. Even in standard def, I would like to record in higher quality (this means more storage space).

5. Commercial Advance. I've grown way to use to that to give it up.

6. Not paying a monthly service fee would be nice too.

Now given that, here are my options:

1. Get another ReplayTV off of Ebay for around $100. This would be trivial to install and could stream to my Replay with out any setup. Plus I could record in High Quality with the extra storage room. Also I just found out that the monthly service fee for your second ReplayTV is half off, about $7 a month. Cons, no HD, no streaming random file from my computer.

2. Charter's DVR service. This does not excite me at all, but it might not be a terrible option.

3. Windows Media Center. Joe - is this any good? Anyone else doing this? Does this have Comercial Advance? HD? How much is this anyways? Is there a monthly fee? I should do more research on this.

4. MythTV. Now I've tried Linux a few times before with very little success. Now I'm a nerd, but this OS is just a pain in the ass. But still I like the idea of having a server somewhere with 3 TV Tuners streaming to my TV via something like this MediaMVP. It is supposed to be super hackable with MythTV front ends already out there. However, I'm not sure about this either - I have fears that I'll buy a ton of hardware and never get it working right. But I like the idea of open source meaning no one is taking my commercial advance away and all the little things that could be very useful.

Well that's it. I'll probably just get really lazy and not do anything or just get another Replay for now. But if anyone has any recommendations let me know.

Hmm, After looking this over I'm pretty sure this post belongs on Dave's blog.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

check this out

posted by caps @ 6:01 PM   1 comments

A guy at work showed this to me today. You will probably get addicted, he was.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Don't ever see the movie Rest Stop

posted by caps @ 8:42 PM   3 comments

Well, well, well, I guess it is time to post something here. How about I start with some random photos from the past:

Now, how about some really exciting news!

(roaring applause, cheers from all around, articles of clothing flying through the air?)

Yes it is true, I will be home for a short while, and I see that it just so happens to fall over a certain actuary's birthday. Craziness will definitely ensue if the world doesn't implode from the sheer awesomeness of the occasion.