What's Up With The Blogulator Boys?
posted by Dave @ 9:04 AM
We love Chris and Qualler.
But they are morphing into the blogging world's peanut gallery.

I'm worried about the rift that seems to be forming in the once indomitable bloging community. Polley and Qualler, what's up? Remember Chris Polley's fantastic post, Cartoons and Porn are Based on Regular Movies? Remember when Qualler also wrote things? Those were great times.
I take responsibility for quite possibly creating the first cracks in the Pop Culture Blogulator's armor with my biting witticism comparing Qauller post to a "glorified comment", but I am also taking responsibility to squashing this developing beef.
The trends are worrisome. Since the 15th of October, we have been graced by only four posts on the Blogulator. In that same time frame we have been graced by 15 comments by the duo (counting comments on 208 and the Blogulator alone). At least four of these comments were written specifically to haul rawkous disses at fellow blog-o-lution-eers.
I enjoy a good comment, and a good blog-diss as much as the next guy. Even more than the next guy, most likely, but it's time to stop criticizing and start blog-i-cizing. I invite Polley and Qualler to contribute, we miss reading blogtastic blogs by our blog-buddies. Bring them back; Life After 208 will welcome you with open blog-arms.
-Humans For Blogs
I like how you are trying to replace the inter-blog rift with an INTRA-blog rift. Genius move crediting Polley with the porn post. Genius. Soon they'll be off our backs completely, and on eachothers.
Whoop- I mean, yes. Very devious.
I only want them on each other's backs in the carnal sense. Or the circus sense.
I think the important thing to remember here is that our blogs are great, and Pfeiffer's is a joke.
Long live the blogolution!!
wow could this post have been any more diluted and watered down for LA208? i mean seriously, at least i contribute to a blog, not a BLAH.
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