"Five" "Interesting" Things From P Arty's "Life"
posted by P. Arty @ 4:28 PM

show at 50% of Six Feet Under. It's got everything. Flawed yet relatable characters, retrospective plot and character development, Island Magic, and hotties (see future post entitled "The Hierarchy of Lost Hottness").
I am a little sad that the Lost Crew (Doofhouse, Megan, Marcus VH, and myself) are catching up with the show. I've really enjoyed being able to cram in two or three episodes a night because we couldn't wait another day, and consequently forcing Metzger to go to work the next day on little sleep. Just think, now we'll have to wait another week to wait for the plot to unfold! No matter, watching Lost is usually the highlight of my day, and I have 1.5 gigabytes of Tegan & Sara videos on my computer!
3. The Big Prize - I finally got a reply to the Sheep Finding Contest that I "entered." I was to pick my prize up at the Catacombs Coffeehouse on campus. I did this. When I went to pick up the prize, I wasn't sure if it would be a pound of gold or 1,000 pounds of chocolate.
Much to my surprise, it was neither. It was a cup of coffee.
I'd hate to see what the little prize was.
Also with the cup of coffee came a postcard addressed to the guy that set the contest up. The instructions read, "Write a question on the postcard, and mail it." The only question that popped into my head was, "Why am I so disappointed right now?"

Regardless, going to Point with a big group of people is always fun, and the 36 ounces of Diet Mountain Dew (Fountain Diet Mountain Dew!) that I drank was delicious. Oh, and I got to witness Metzger furiously scribbling notes in his "Wizard's Diary." The only passage I caught was "Avadra Kedavra - Use this on Pat next time he calls me a squib!"
1. The Saturday morning Discovery Kids line up on NBC - I woke up on Saturday to the opening credits of Flight 29 Down. It featured multiple camera angles of a plane crashing into a deserted island. I was instantly reminded of the pilot to Lost, and I watched, excitedly.

After Flight 29 Down came some sort of MTV's Real World/Road Rules challenge for 13-15 year old kids. This was promising. Two teams, gray and blue, had to hike up a long mountain trail to the elimination challenge. I couldn't wait to see what it was! NBC must have realized this, as they cut to a commercial break. Nothing could have prepared me for what came after the break. The exciting challenge was...
Rock Paper Scissors?! Wah wah. It's no wonder children's television is being overrun by violence and probably sex. Rock Paper Scissors isn't even remotely fun to play. Why would anyone want to watch it?
Nonetheless, this was a perfect start to Saturday.
Doof - is it true? Was the Potts boring?? I'll have to choose to refuse to believe such lies until I see it for myself.
Holvendium Expectatious!
*poof of smoke*
I realized after posting this that I was rather harsh to the Potstash. It wasn't boring, except for a few parts. I was mainly disappointed because it lacked everything I loved about the third movie. If I was generally entertained by the movie, then chances are if you're a fan of the books/movies then you'll like it.
While not quite as good as I thought it would be, it was still very good. There were a few flaws that I think could not be avoided when cramming 700+ pages of geinus into a 2.5 hours. I do want to see it again because I think it will be much better the second time.
I'll write up my full review afer Dave has seen it.
Oh, and thw Wizard's Diary part was total true though.
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