Blogulution Awards - Vote Now!
posted by P. Arty @ 6:33 PM
We have a ridonkulous amount of nominations. I'm thinking each person gets 3 votes per category. You can vote for the same item twice or even three times, but your total votes per category must be less than or equal to 3. So you get a total of 3 * 13 = 39 votes.
Send your votes to (note the spelling). Votes are due by 11:59pm on December 25th, 2005.
Best Blog
Best Post
Best Comment
Best Movie Review
Best Concert Review
Best TV Show Review
Best Post About a Celebrity
Best Description of an Everyday Event
Best Subject Line
Best Graph
Best Use of Graphics
Best Post from a Plane
Some of these links don't exactly work, but I think they do after you delete the stuff after "html" in the URL.
Oh, and every time someone votes for me, I'm donating one orphan to charity. (That's good, right?)
Also, can we please have "presenters" and have to write little intro sketches for the category we present? Pleeeease?
Out of Curiousity, you just put everyone's blog down for best blog didn't you. Because if a Readership of 1 got nominated, it had to have been by my mother. There's no way Kate and I are best blog yet. (emphasis on the yet, one day we will crush you all) and seriously zombiecity? best blog about loving zombies and revering james bond sure. But I've read that thing. your not fooling me, there isn't a pie chart anywhere on that page. (pie chart being the standard of greatness)
additionally I've been stuck in the library all night, can you tell?
Alright. I fixed and tested the links. This post took way too much time. I've decided to give up on the uneven spacing.
I whole-heartedly support making people deliver introductory speeches, but I'm not going to organize it. This whole voting thing already took up a lot more time than I thought it would. I WILL, however, put the winning names in envelopes. (Hint: this means you organize it, Brammer!)
And Megan, everyone was automatically nominated for that award, although you would have been nominated anyway. I think that Sean Osman guy nominated you.
God Sean Osman wants me... to find him a place to sublet! ha ha ha ha
god it's early.
Oh, and as long as I'm not in Chicago, I'll do an announcement.
Hey all, sorry for taking the Ohio People are Crazy post down - I'd just been "warned" by too many people that I could get in trouble at work. I do not for a second believe that that is true, but on the off-chance that it actually did happen, I would feel like such a jackass for not heeding warnings that I took it down just in case. Fuck Ohio.
There's probaby some kind of customer/service confidentiality clause you could get in trouble for, Dave. Beware office snitches.
And I will take care of the award presentation scripts. I don't think I know who detrie is, but it sounds like it might be a girl, so I'll make sure to write some topless presentations, too.
I didn't mean you had to write them all, rather just tell everyone what to write. Although, if you want to do it, that's fine too. It'll be guaranteed genius.
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