Friday, January 27, 2006

Apple Ripped off the Postal Service

posted by Dave @ 12:46 PM   7 comments

This is unbelievable! Have you seen the new commercial for the Intel-chip Macs? With the clean room guys and all that? It is an extremely blatent rip off of the "Such Great Heights" music video.

Go here to see the apple video recreated (side by side with the actual commercial) using shots from the postal service music video. It's pretty ridiculous.

Apple did not pay the Postal Service or even get permission. The director of the commercial is the same guy that directed the postal service music video, and he just stole the idea.

Read The Postal Service's reasponse here.

Classy move, Apple.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

"No Nerds"? What the Hell?

posted by Dave @ 3:39 PM   1 comments

Vonage hates nerds, I guess.
(You have to click on the picture to see the animation)

As a nerd, I must say I'm somewhat sad.
Just like the nerd in the picture.

Pfeiffer - Get on This

posted by Dave @ 10:37 AM   0 comments

We need a big ammount of server space somewhere where we can all upload / download files (movies, mp3s, pictures, whatever). Somewhere that I can put all the movies I have, and everyone else can do the same, and we can keep them stored safely.

Pfeiffer - you work with computers, right? And storage, even! Get us something like that and let us know.

And make it look good.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Fixing Qualler's Diaper

posted by Dave @ 2:54 PM   0 comments

"Wah wah wah! My Microsoft-certified computron-box can't understand your blog! Please make it better!" Fine, Qualler, you and your IE got what you wanted.

I'm watching these big cool trucks and construction machines (Constructacons, anyone?) tear down part of the Art Museum outside. It's AMAZING. This one has a big nose that chips away concrete, and another one had a scooper that like rolled this entire cement wall over to a third one that had what seems to be a giant and super-strong gripper claw that PICKED THE WALL UP and crushed it into bits! Oh my god - robots rule so hard.

I want to see the robots high-five after they tear things apart.

(Just goofin', Qualls)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh my god work is so boring today

posted by Dave @ 4:16 PM   4 comments

I've had barely anything to do all day. I'm creating advertising campaigns for sites we haven't even built yet. I'm building new 200,000 search term add-ons for existing campaigns. I'm going over bids on keywords in campaigns that haven't been searched for in months. I have nothing pressing to do at ALL. There is nothing I can do right now that will even been seen by another person for at least a few days. And, as such, here are pictures I find when I search for "bored at work" on yahoo image search.

I feel like this guy. Except I'm not next to a Veggie Tales poster.

Dude, that guy looks like Kris.

I suppose it had to exist somewhere.

There, I have successfully killed all of three minutes. Now it's back to adding search terms like, "Injury attorney IN Wisconsin" to the Wisconsin campaign which currently only contains, "Wisconsin injury attorney".

Monday, January 23, 2006

An Open Letter To Pat Hayden

posted by Dan @ 12:36 AM   4 comments

Dear Pat,

Don't go to Chicago! Remember the days you hated Illinois? Remember when FIBs was one of your top ten most used words? (I think that was right after Glen moved in) What does Chicago have that I don't? Dave? Um, wait a second...

An Open Letter To Pat and Dave:

Come back/don't leave Madison! Remember the good old days when we would all get together and Pat would shout "3, 2, 1!" in perfect rhythm to the unstarted Gilmore Girls Theme? What about Ice Cream with Glen and James!?!? Um, wait a second..

An Open Letter to Pat, Dave, Glen and James and preemptively Laura. Oh and Megan and and and all the other sell outs that are planning to or have already left Madison:

Hey guys I have an idea! Let's not leave Madison! I'm pretty sure we could take all those chicks that currently live in 208 and reclaim our house! And steal their whisky and change while we are at it! This is the fifth sentence ending with an exclamation point in a row! We can rebuild the stage and buy new bigger, better couches. Pat and I are finally good enough to go to the red shed and not get our asses kicked by everyone playing foosball. James, I'll get you a pet monkey. He can live in the attic and he will become good friends with the bats. We just won't tell the government (because I'm pretty sure it's illegal to keep a monkey and bats together). Glen, you already have a two hour commute to work, what is adding another hour on the that? And Dave did you know that Sopranos is having a new season soon? Do you really want to live through that not making semi-defrosted pizzas on my pazazz like the kings we are?

You've been out there and seen there isn't anything great about not-Madison. Remember all the great times we have had here. And think about all the great times to come, if you just come back.

Please people, it's not too late.
Come back to Madison.
Come back home.



Friday, January 20, 2006

A Clarification of Blog Status

posted by Dave @ 9:20 AM   1 comments

Check it, Holmes (on Homes):

Lots of people are mad about the status their blog was listed as. These statuses (stati?) were arrived upon by comparing activity on the blogs now as compared to what it was before the holidays.

Bramm-Zamm's blog used to be updated all the freaking time with great, huge, hillarious posts. The posts remain great, huge, and hillarious, but come less frequently. Thus, the current level of activity on Harry's blog is "quiet" for his blog. But that same level of activity is normal for Wipe-Pipe's blog, so his is chugging along per normal. Harry, I hope to read your genious writings daily, and literally check it multiple times every day.

Arun-Balloon's was listed as "sinking back into the grave" based on the sudden and unceremonious cesation of all blog posts on November 18th of last year, followed by three posts last week, and then returned silence. Arun's posts were always an interesting look at a different type of life that I think we all loved reading. We miss them, and want them back.

Pfeiff-Fife's was lised as "alive, as if a pheonix" based on its long standing as a seldomly-if-ever updated blog, then an explosion of content (compared to what used to be found there) since December. Joe's good shit, and I like to hear about his life in corporate america.

It's all about expectations, in other words. I'm sorry you used to post a bunch of stuff, but now I expect that from you all the time. And by the by, Arun & Co., if you're going to get all up in my grill about how you have as many posts as so and so or what have you, you better make sure you keep up.

(Chris, Qualler, Dan, Joe, Megan and Myself, thanks for all the blowjobs*)

*Speaking of blowjobs: I was walking into work this morning, and a crazy guy was running around feeding pigeons, and he stumbled into me. He SCREAMED in my face (which was full of bread crumbs) "WHAT DO YOU FEED?!?" I had to bite my tounge not to scream back, "YO MOMMA!" And high five everyone in Chicago.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Death of the Blogulution?

posted by Dave @ 10:56 AM   4 comments

The Roster:
* Zombie City - DEAD (not undead)
* The Blogulator - ALIVE
* Political Pasta - ALIVE, BUT QUIET
* spanishturtle - ALIVE
* The Drax Report - DEAD
* Watery, Domestic - ALIVE
* Pat - DEAD
* John, the Jigsaw Killer - CHOKING ON IT'S OWN VOMIT
* Megan - ALIVE

There was a day when I would come into work and waste tens of minutes reading through post after post about what sucked and what was great, what movies changed the world and which television shows infuriated my friends. But today I find myself looking at the same titles, the same photos that have greeted me for days. How am I to know how Arun's students are progressing, or what Pat's brother Thomas is up to? Does the Drax LIKE Broke Back Mountain? And has Jigsaw been too busy ensnaring self-loathing Jews in star of David-shaped bear traps to tell us about his social agenda?

There are many blogs that have died. Some forever. To my knowledge, no one has played Urban Dead for weeks. Many blogs are suffering from neglect and lack of hilarity, this one included. Some are still kicking, but lack the fire that once burned strong within their blog-bellies.

I understand if the fad has passed, and you have other things to do, but the fact is that I don't care. I want to read about Wipert's love of Yellowcard (amen, by the way), Harry's shower Nuked Cheese, and Joe's love of Six Feet Under, but I also want to read about Metzger's latest run in with some sort of rodent, and Glen's latest red head and James' Everglade adventures. I want the Drax to hate! And I want to know of your journeys in Malton!

I do not get to spend countless hours in a basement with you people anymore, and I stand firm against the forces that would let such candor die. And I fear that we are in the midst of such a death. This is the moment of truth, Blogulution! Is this the day we returned from the brink, to charge once again into the field of battle, to roust the enemy of David's boredom and return this world to entertaining anecdotes? Or is this the day that caution was left unheeded, and indifference maintained? Do not let the Blogulution die without a fight! Every moment you are spending with your girlfriend, or reading a book, or doing your job is a moment you could be writing a scathing review of Commander in Chief, or posting a delicious recipe! Remount your keyboards, my friends! Relight the fury in your optical mice! The Blogulution is not yet dead! A rage still beats deep in its chest, and I call upon you to rise to that beat! Hear the call of your blog - it yearns with all its might for content! The Blogulution is not yet dead! It can return! We can once again live in high towers of concert reviews and inside jokes! We can yet live to see the second Blogulution awards, and I believe they can even surpass the first! The Blogulution is NOT yet dead! Rise, my friends! Rise you giants among men, you kings among princes! Rise to the call of the Blogulution - a call you yourselves first put forth! THE BLOGULUTION IS NOT YET DEAD!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Facebook Proves Useful

posted by Dave @ 10:25 AM   1 comments

I decided to kill a few minutes this morning by looking at the photo albums on Facebook. Thank GOD. I have unearthed the best picture of Pat and Thomas ever taken (which I had thought lost to the ages), and the single scariest / most fantastic picture I have ever seen ever ever ever ever.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Blog CPR

posted by Dave @ 2:56 PM   0 comments

In the wake of the holidays, blogging seems to be down across the board. I can attribute this to a few factors:

1. Pat isn't in school, and thus has nothing to procrastinate about (except finding an apartment), so there is less time set aside for him to blog.
2. Harry is hanging out with Pat, and between that, tutoring kids online, and tending to his vegitable patches, his days are just packed.
3. Hardly anyone else ever blogs.

In an effort to keep up some semblance of blogging normalicy, I hereby present to you a detailed list of things that are currently on my desk (from left to right).

1. (Stacked upon each other) An "Insideout" guide to Chicago, a "Not For Tourists" guide to Chicago, an old pay stub of mine, a mailer from the seach engine expo I attended in December, and a couple of brochures from that event.

What these items say about me:
It says that I am new enough to Chicago that these guides which John lent me upon my arrival still sit on my desk. It also says that I get paid from time to time, and that I attended a search engine expo. It also says that I interpret stacks of junk to be less junk than the combined sum of their parts.

2. Wireless Logitech Keyboard & Mouse

What this item says about me:
I am a free spirit, but... logical?

3. CTX LCD monitor

What this item says about me:
I use my eyes to process data most efficently. I do not have any sort of device which communicates data to me via smell or touch or taste. My monitor actualy also contains speakers, which produce sounds, but they are rarely used - often left idle as I opt for my headphones. But I am getting ahead of myself.

4. (In quick succession) Wireless mouse/keyboard base station, telephone, funky orange sports cone, empty CD sleeve, list of phone numbers, iPod, a reminder to sign into our chat program, unopened bag of Baked Lays potato chips, headphones.

What these items say about me:
The corner of my desk is also the most crowded. This displays my desire to push all things to the center - my chi, my karma, and my politics all follow this same trend. The orange cone is the type of thing you might place on the ground to run a soccer drill, but with wicked cool holes cut in it, which makes it look more extreme. Much like how I make myself look more extreme by jumping a lot and using hand gestures. The unopened chips show how, even when I try to be healthier by buying baked chips, I am often foiled by packaging which proves too strong for my nutrient-starved muscles to open.

5. Quizno's cup

What this item says about me:
I had Quizno's for lunch. Specifically, the brand new Quizno's that just opened by my office. Upon closer inspection, we notice that the Quizno's straw is chewed off about 1/3 of the way down, indicating that Quizno makes their straws WAY too long. What's up with that?

6. A pen

What this item says about me:
I at least like to pretend that I know how to write. This throw-back to days of yore, before computers and even type writers, harkens to a deep connection I have with my past.

7. (Stacked on top of each other) A Legal pad containing notes about creating advertising campaigns, and lists of things to do, and today's Red Eye newspaper.

What these items say about me:
I definately know how to write. Not only does the note pad contain writing that I wrote, but the Red Eye contains both a crossword puzzle and a sudoku, both of which require me to write. (And everyone knows the crossword puzzle and the sudoku are the only reason you pick up the Red Eye - unless you love celebrity gossip!)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Copy Cats

posted by Dave @ 9:58 AM   0 comments

I ran across this on the Chicagoist. What a bunch of wannabees.

They even stole Pat's "bloggies" idea. Man, this steams my bits. On their website, they claim this is their sixth year. That is clearly a lie. Because I say so. What a bunch of know-nothing nitwits. If it were up to me, I'd make sure that every blog except those offically sanctioned by the blogulution were allowed to exist*. That way, we'd be able to keep this sort of behavior under control**.

*Nah, I'm just goofin'

Monday, January 02, 2006

Give the Gift of hotness This Holiday Season

posted by Dan @ 2:30 PM   1 comments

All right, the holiday season is over. But bear with me, blogging has been slow lately and maybe you forgot to get someone a present and need to make up for it in a big way. Well, this would definitely do it.

I was home for Christmas and as usual it was about two and a half hours before someone in my family asked me a computer question (This is actually a long time). Was it my Mom asking me how to reply to an email? My Step Dad having problems connecting to the wireless network? No, it was Andrew who wiped out all of my Brother's Firefox settings when he tried to install another poker program. I have no clue how someone could possibly affect a web browser while trying to install a program, but don't ever underestimate my family. We are a talented bunch.

After at least 35 seconds of trying to solve the problem on his own Andrew asks me to help out. I found the bookmarks and was able to restore them. All that was really left (other then my urban dead extensions, of course) was his home page. Now I could just put the typical boring google page back up.

Typical Boring Google Page

Luckily for my brother Pat had just posted a much better link which surely would have won "Best Link" at the blogulution awards if it were actually a category. What could be better then Google for your home page? A Tegan and Sara and Google home page!

Who would want this awesome page for their home page?

I used this for his homepage and when Jon first opened Firefox he noticed immediately.

Jon: What the hell is this?

Me: Oh yeah! It's your new Tegan and Sara start page from!

Jon: Put back my old start page.

Me: Look, this one is much better. You can do any regular google search just like before. But it also lets you search,, and right from your home page!

Jon: Who the hell are Tegan and Sara?

Me: Let's say you want to know when the Tegan and Sara played "My Number" all you have to to is type that in the search box and select

Jon: Seriously put google back.

Me: Look, we got a list of their Set Lists! They played it July 5th 2003. That was a while ago, huh?

Jon: Dan, this isn't funny.

Me: No problem, what are brother for?

For some reason he I think he may have wanted to change it back still. And to do this he went to, because of course the settings for Jon's home page would be stored at (I have not clue how we are related). As far as I know, he never did find out how to switch it back and the Tegan and Sara and Google page is still his homepage.

Merry Chistmas Jon. It's the least I could do for being such a great older brother.