How baaaaaaahffling
posted by P. Arty @ 5:01 PM
Last Saturday I went to College Library in order to work on a paper. Saturday? Shouldn't I have been at a frat party or working on my tan? Why was I doing this on a Saturday? Good question.
I'm in a group of four people for my sociology/ethnic studies class. We have to deconstruct a current issue relating to race and write a paper about different strategies used by both sides of the debate. To make a long story short, group member X wrote the same section of the paper as I did, only much, much worse. Her solution was for us to each write half of the remaining section. I wasn't exactly pleased about this, but it really wasn't a big deal. It was two pages that any decently educated middle school graduate could write without consulting references. Since I barely fit that description, it was gravy cake.
So after playing Yahoo! Gin for about two hours, I decided I was ready to get to work. But first I needed a Diet Mountain Dew, or DMD as HDR claims we Haydens say. So I went to the vending area in College Library, I bought a DMD, and as I was walking away I saw a piece the following piece of paper wedged behind an electrical outlet behind a table:
Intrigued, I went to the computer lab and sent an email to the given address asking what it was for. I didn't want to take it if it was part of an organized game. The "most sheep" led me to believe that it was part of a scavenger hunt, or something similar. The email I sent read:
I found a picture of a sheep that said to email this address.
I was wondering if there was some way to find out more about this; it
seems pretty interesting.
Notice how sneaky I was, using my initials only, despite the fact that my entire name will show up as the sender when he receives the email.
When I left the library, I still hadn't heard back, so I decided to take the paper.
Today, I got an email back. It read:
Congratulations you have won the BIG prize!
Though Little Bo Peep still needs confirmation of the safety of her sheep.
Please forward a photo of you with the sheep to this email and your prize
with be sent immediately.
The lost sheep investigative staff!
I googled the name that was on the email I got back, and it looks like he's a student artist. I'm really curious as to what "the BIG prize" is. I think I'm gonna do it. Maybe I should take a picture of the paper with Metzger while he's sleeping, just to be safe.
I will report as the story develops.
My favorite part is that you only found one of the sheep, yet you are winner of "the BIG prize". This can only mean you are the only person on campus to find one of these things and actually email this guy.
Yes, clearly you send this in in Dan's name. That's what Dan is for! Us sending things to people in his name! (Haha, remember when we got his name up on the Frank's board?). But be sure to take the BIG prize when it shows up - it'll probably be a paper mache sheep with your face instead of a sheep's face (from the picture).
Awesome - let us know what happens.
Hahaha...I hope that's what it is.
Unfortunately, Metzger didn't fall asleep last night. He was too busy WINNING OUR FIRST FOOSBALL MATCH!
Are you guys in a leauge now?? That's awesome! Kick some ass!
(My verification word is buustz - closes thing I've seen to a real word)
Yeah, we joined a league. Yesterday was our first match. We thought we were going to get killed, but we actually ended up doing the killing ourselves.
I would also like to point out that I went 2-0 in the singles matches.
I expect Metzger to post about it (OR ANYTHING) soon.
(My verification word was vyhjedi...I assume that's some Star Wars nerdery.)
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