Re: URGENT! Lingo Question!
posted by P. Arty @ 12:31 PM
Oh the memories....
> From: Community
> Date: December 6, 2002 3:50:30 PM CST
> To: 'Dan Metz '
> Subject: RE: URGENT! Lingo Question!
> Hi Daniel Metz,
> I'm sorry. I don't have any record of a previous letter from you. You
> can
> get contestant information here:
> Lots of luck to your friends! :)
> Bren
> Community
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Metz
> To: Webmaster; Programming; Community; Careers; Advertising
> Sent: 12/6/2002 12:15 PM
> Subject: URGENT! Lingo Question!
> Importance: High
> Dear Lingo:
> I must say I am very upset with your failure to respond to my
> previous email. If you will recall, it said that I have two friends
> who
> are literally dying to be Lingo contestants. They have beaten
> countless
> Lingo teams, including the Canadian Jean and Don and the air-guitarring
> Boez. I strongly urge you to reply to this email, and include
> information on how these two Lingo gods can demonstrate their superior
> Lingo prowess. Nothing, not even the dreaded red stopper ball, will
> prevent them from winning the Border's Gift Card ("One gift, a million
> ideas"), The Argus Digital Camera ("An American tradition since 1936"),
> The Croton Watch ("You'll always be on time with a Croton watch"), and
> the Casio EM-500 Pocket PC. I strongly urge you to get in touch with
> me
> as soon as possible, as I am the bridge to the Lingo Gladiators. Thank
> you very much, and I will talk to you soon.
> Daniel Metz
> 608.264.1138
The best part is that this was the first email we sent them.
Edit: The second best part is that he started it, "Dear Lingo."
Edit: The third best part is that he sent it to five different addresses, including "Careers."
Haha, ohhhhh, Lingo.
*Blogger: An American Tradition since 200.. 2?*
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