Blogulution Awards - Update!
posted by P. Arty @ 11:59 PM
Two things:
1. I have scrapped the nomination limits for various reasons. Feel free to nominate as many posts as you want. Let's make it a clusterfuck.
2. I have three lists of nominations. I AM FURIOUS WITH EVERYONE EXCEPT TINA, HDR, AND O'GER! By the way, if you three want to nominate any additional posts/blogs, feel free.
That's all! YOU have 24 hours! GO!
I would just like to point out that this message was posted at 11:59, and I accurately said you have 24 hours. I am without a doubt the greatest.
I also realize that you can change that setting, but you'll have to take my word that I didn't do that.
I am confused. We still nominate things, though, right? So like I sent you mine, yeah? We're not voting now, are we? What are the catagories now? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING?
No voting yet. Since just about no one was following the 2 nomination rule I decided just to scrap the rules. I also realized that there are a ridiculous amount of posts on a bunch of blogs. To choose 2 for best post would be tough.
You, HDR, are ok unless you want to make more nominations. Voting will start tomorrow, I hope.
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