posted by P. Arty @ 2:56 PM
The title of this post is the first of many notes I took during last night's episode of Gilmore Girls. I resurrected the notetaking process (more on that later) after Chad Igo requested that I review last night's episode on the blog so he could comment on it. Well, Chad, here you go.
In the first scene Lorelai looked ridiculously hot. I'm glad I called her and not Rory. Looks like Metzger's really getting screwed in the deals we've been making. So far I have Lorelai and Sara, while he's stuck with Rory and Tegan. Although, as you can see, we're really both HUGE winners:

Team Hayden

Team Mootzgerina Con Queso
Very shortly after this happened both Metzger and I predicted that Lorelai's street name would be bad. Sores and boils alley? More like bores and soils, Amy. We saw that one coming miles away. Are Metzger and I psychics, or has Amy Sherman-Palladino become predictable.
Luckily, Metzger and I are psychics. (Metzger even called the way that the brothers Dean would kill Bloody Mary in the WB's Supernatural! He truly is a wizard!)
On to Luke's newfound "zen," as he puts it. No thank you. Bring back the old "I hate everything, especially myself" Luke of the first five seasons. At least the presence of Emily's urn kicked him back into Taylor hating.
Along with Emily's urn came a clock, and along with the urn and the clock came my two favorite lines of the night. The first was, oddly enough, from Michelle: "Like I'm going to buy an analog clock. Do I look like I'm 205?" The second was Kirk telling the new tourists, "Make sure you see the giant urn at Luke's! The kids will love it!"
Also along with Emily's urn came Luke telling a table full of kids to go ahead and play on the urn. NO PARENTS!
Overall, not a bad episode. There was a good deal of good humor. Rory telling New Tristen that she loved him also brough some unexpectedness to the otherwise routine plot. Remember last week when you all thought Rory was unhappy with New Tristen? Despite all that, immediately after the episode I was mondo-disappointed. Our graphs haven't been overdone yet, have they? Good! Have another!
(Ok, so I just spent thirty minutes making a graph in Excel, only to realize that it was inherently flawed, and I can't use it. Not to mention, we've probably overdone the whole graph thing by now. So forget the graph.)
What I was going to show visually was that last week's episode left us at a ridiculously potent point in the plot. Richard and Emily had just discovered the truth behind Rory's dropping out, they had confronted the New Tristens, and Richard's face led us to believe a Gilmorgasmic episode was brewing for next week.
Unfortunately, much like Avril Lavigne in "My Happy Ending," I was left unsatisfied and wanting that Gilmorgasm. It just didn't happen. Another filler episode. Don't get me wrong. I don't need excessive drama or a continuous flow of large events to enjoy the show, but Amy Sherman-Palladino all but guaranteed it with Richard's face. Over the entirety of last week I kept telling Ger-trude, "I can't wait for Gilmore Girls next week!" This episode simply did not deliver. On top of that, they left us with another highly potent point with Richard bringing the birdhouse to Rory. You gotta love Richard Gilmore.
So next week will be interesting. I'm hoping it will be a series-defining episode, but this time I remain skeptical. Expectations seriously debilitated my enjoyment of this week's episode, and I'm hoping it won't do the same.
Finally, I want to leave you with my two favorite events from this week's Gilmore Girls experience. Neither of these were directly related to the episode.
The first is the replacement of the patented Metzger pillow scream with the patented Metzger double-handed knuckle slapping (you know...the "That hotty's banging!" motion). Twice during this episode Metzger was unable to control himself and let his limp fingers fly, crashing back and forth with one another. It was beautiful.
By far, the best part of this week's Gilmore Girls is the effect that it had on Mootzgorilla and I within 2 minutes of its end. Metzger spent the minute after the show ended clapping and chanting, "Well done, Amy Sherman-Palladino." I spent that minute yelling at him, telling him not to encourage such mediocrity. One minute later we were both on his kitchen floor, fighting over the notes I took. He (literally) ripped them out of my hands, arguing that I wrote down an awful lot for such a disappointing episode. I, defending my notes (and my honor) got up to chase him in the kitchen and pry them out of his hands. Luckily, the only note he read was "Vinyard? FUCK!" which was written in reponse to the vomit-inducing conversation between New Tristen and the older Gilmores.
In retrospect this moment was wonderful.
"On top of that, they left us with another highly potent point with Richard bringing the birdhouse to Rory"
Don't you mean bringing the dollhouse to Lorelai.
Not that I watch GG, I mean...
Holy shit, come down to Chicago for next week's episode. I miss the chaos.
Glad to hear you felt this was a filler episode too. Next week, man. NEXT F'N WEEK!
(sorry, I'll try to post montion activated spoiler alerts on either side of any mention of scenes from next week from now on).
Bramson: You are correct, I meant dollhouse.
Daveson: I was just goofin' on ya. Color yourself goofed.
Color me goofed
recently i have found myself saying "mootzgorilla" or its several variations outloud to myself when i get upset. it's very calming. sometimes i giggle quietly.
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