The Death of the Blogulution?
posted by Dave @ 10:56 AM
The Roster:
* Zombie City - DEAD (not undead)
* The Blogulator - ALIVE
* Political Pasta - ALIVE, BUT QUIET
* spanishturtle - ALIVE
* The Drax Report - DEAD
* Watery, Domestic - ALIVE
* Pat - DEAD
* John, the Jigsaw Killer - CHOKING ON IT'S OWN VOMIT
* Megan - ALIVE
There was a day when I would come into work and waste tens of minutes reading through post after post about what sucked and what was great, what movies changed the world and which television shows infuriated my friends. But today I find myself looking at the same titles, the same photos that have greeted me for days. How am I to know how Arun's students are progressing, or what Pat's brother Thomas is up to? Does the Drax LIKE Broke Back Mountain? And has Jigsaw been too busy ensnaring self-loathing Jews in star of David-shaped bear traps to tell us about his social agenda?
There are many blogs that have died. Some forever. To my knowledge, no one has played Urban Dead for weeks. Many blogs are suffering from neglect and lack of hilarity, this one included. Some are still kicking, but lack the fire that once burned strong within their blog-bellies.
I understand if the fad has passed, and you have other things to do, but the fact is that I don't care. I want to read about Wipert's love of Yellowcard (amen, by the way), Harry's shower Nuked Cheese, and Joe's love of Six Feet Under, but I also want to read about Metzger's latest run in with some sort of rodent, and Glen's latest red head and James' Everglade adventures. I want the Drax to hate! And I want to know of your journeys in Malton!
I do not get to spend countless hours in a basement with you people anymore, and I stand firm against the forces that would let such candor die. And I fear that we are in the midst of such a death. This is the moment of truth, Blogulution! Is this the day we returned from the brink, to charge once again into the field of battle, to roust the enemy of David's boredom and return this world to entertaining anecdotes? Or is this the day that caution was left unheeded, and indifference maintained? Do not let the Blogulution die without a fight! Every moment you are spending with your girlfriend, or reading a book, or doing your job is a moment you could be writing a scathing review of Commander in Chief, or posting a delicious recipe! Remount your keyboards, my friends! Relight the fury in your optical mice! The Blogulution is not yet dead! A rage still beats deep in its chest, and I call upon you to rise to that beat! Hear the call of your blog - it yearns with all its might for content! The Blogulution is not yet dead! It can return! We can once again live in high towers of concert reviews and inside jokes! We can yet live to see the second Blogulution awards, and I believe they can even surpass the first! The Blogulution is NOT yet dead! Rise, my friends! Rise you giants among men, you kings among princes! Rise to the call of the Blogulution - a call you yourselves first put forth! THE BLOGULUTION IS NOT YET DEAD!
I just screamed "BLOGULUTION LIVES!!!!" at the top of my lungs. Now I think I'm going to get fired. No matter -- THE BLOGULUTION LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is based on the fact that Arun in Brooklyn saw a sudden and sharp cease to all bloging activity a couple of months ago, and saw a brief revival for a couple weeks, then went silent again vs. Watery / Domestic, which has pretty much maintained somewhat slow but steady posting activity. Plus, Wipert's actually has one more than yours in 2005, plus several from December.
Nothing personal, it's just what my adding machine tells me.
(Hugs adding machine)
It's called hibernation, not death. As soon as I move and have a computer that I can use for more than ten minutes at a time and a faster-than-dial-up internet connection, I will awake and emerge from my cave. I will then feast on honey and wild berries and return to posting.
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