A Clarification of Blog Status
posted by Dave @ 9:20 AM
Check it, Holmes (on Homes):
Lots of people are mad about the status their blog was listed as. These statuses (stati?) were arrived upon by comparing activity on the blogs now as compared to what it was before the holidays.
Bramm-Zamm's blog used to be updated all the freaking time with great, huge, hillarious posts. The posts remain great, huge, and hillarious, but come less frequently. Thus, the current level of activity on Harry's blog is "quiet" for his blog. But that same level of activity is normal for Wipe-Pipe's blog, so his is chugging along per normal. Harry, I hope to read your genious writings daily, and literally check it multiple times every day.
Arun-Balloon's was listed as "sinking back into the grave" based on the sudden and unceremonious cesation of all blog posts on November 18th of last year, followed by three posts last week, and then returned silence. Arun's posts were always an interesting look at a different type of life that I think we all loved reading. We miss them, and want them back.
Pfeiff-Fife's was lised as "alive, as if a pheonix" based on its long standing as a seldomly-if-ever updated blog, then an explosion of content (compared to what used to be found there) since December. Joe's good shit, and I like to hear about his life in corporate america.
It's all about expectations, in other words. I'm sorry you used to post a bunch of stuff, but now I expect that from you all the time. And by the by, Arun & Co., if you're going to get all up in my grill about how you have as many posts as so and so or what have you, you better make sure you keep up.
(Chris, Qualler, Dan, Joe, Megan and Myself, thanks for all the blowjobs*)
*Speaking of blowjobs: I was walking into work this morning, and a crazy guy was running around feeding pigeons, and he stumbled into me. He SCREAMED in my face (which was full of bread crumbs) "WHAT DO YOU FEED?!?" I had to bite my tounge not to scream back, "YO MOMMA!" And high five everyone in Chicago.
i thought those things were called rimjobs, but whatever. you're WELCOME.
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