Blog CPR
posted by Dave @ 2:56 PM
In the wake of the holidays, blogging seems to be down across the board. I can attribute this to a few factors:
1. Pat isn't in school, and thus has nothing to procrastinate about (except finding an apartment), so there is less time set aside for him to blog.
2. Harry is hanging out with Pat, and between that, tutoring kids online, and tending to his vegitable patches, his days are just packed.
3. Hardly anyone else ever blogs.
In an effort to keep up some semblance of blogging normalicy, I hereby present to you a detailed list of things that are currently on my desk (from left to right).
1. (Stacked upon each other) An "Insideout" guide to Chicago, a "Not For Tourists" guide to Chicago, an old pay stub of mine, a mailer from the seach engine expo I attended in December, and a couple of brochures from that event.
What these items say about me:
It says that I am new enough to Chicago that these guides which John lent me upon my arrival still sit on my desk. It also says that I get paid from time to time, and that I attended a search engine expo. It also says that I interpret stacks of junk to be less junk than the combined sum of their parts.
2. Wireless Logitech Keyboard & Mouse
What this item says about me:
I am a free spirit, but... logical?
3. CTX LCD monitor
What this item says about me:
I use my eyes to process data most efficently. I do not have any sort of device which communicates data to me via smell or touch or taste. My monitor actualy also contains speakers, which produce sounds, but they are rarely used - often left idle as I opt for my headphones. But I am getting ahead of myself.
4. (In quick succession) Wireless mouse/keyboard base station, telephone, funky orange sports cone, empty CD sleeve, list of phone numbers, iPod, a reminder to sign into our chat program, unopened bag of Baked Lays potato chips, headphones.
What these items say about me:
The corner of my desk is also the most crowded. This displays my desire to push all things to the center - my chi, my karma, and my politics all follow this same trend. The orange cone is the type of thing you might place on the ground to run a soccer drill, but with wicked cool holes cut in it, which makes it look more extreme. Much like how I make myself look more extreme by jumping a lot and using hand gestures. The unopened chips show how, even when I try to be healthier by buying baked chips, I am often foiled by packaging which proves too strong for my nutrient-starved muscles to open.
5. Quizno's cup
What this item says about me:
I had Quizno's for lunch. Specifically, the brand new Quizno's that just opened by my office. Upon closer inspection, we notice that the Quizno's straw is chewed off about 1/3 of the way down, indicating that Quizno makes their straws WAY too long. What's up with that?
6. A pen
What this item says about me:
I at least like to pretend that I know how to write. This throw-back to days of yore, before computers and even type writers, harkens to a deep connection I have with my past.
7. (Stacked on top of each other) A Legal pad containing notes about creating advertising campaigns, and lists of things to do, and today's Red Eye newspaper.
What these items say about me:
I definately know how to write. Not only does the note pad contain writing that I wrote, but the Red Eye contains both a crossword puzzle and a sudoku, both of which require me to write. (And everyone knows the crossword puzzle and the sudoku are the only reason you pick up the Red Eye - unless you love celebrity gossip!)
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