An Open Letter To Pat Hayden
posted by Dan @ 12:36 AM
Dear Pat,
Don't go to Chicago! Remember the days you hated Illinois? Remember when FIBs was one of your top ten most used words? (I think that was right after Glen moved in) What does Chicago have that I don't? Dave? Um, wait a second...
An Open Letter To Pat and Dave:
Come back/don't leave Madison! Remember the good old days when we would all get together and Pat would shout "3, 2, 1!" in perfect rhythm to the unstarted Gilmore Girls Theme? What about Ice Cream with Glen and James!?!? Um, wait a second..
An Open Letter to Pat, Dave, Glen and James and preemptively Laura. Oh and Megan and and and all the other sell outs that are planning to or have already left Madison:
Hey guys I have an idea! Let's not leave Madison! I'm pretty sure we could take all those chicks that currently live in 208 and reclaim our house! And steal their whisky and change while we are at it! This is the fifth sentence ending with an exclamation point in a row! We can rebuild the stage and buy new bigger, better couches. Pat and I are finally good enough to go to the red shed and not get our asses kicked by everyone playing foosball. James, I'll get you a pet monkey. He can live in the attic and he will become good friends with the bats. We just won't tell the government (because I'm pretty sure it's illegal to keep a monkey and bats together). Glen, you already have a two hour commute to work, what is adding another hour on the that? And Dave did you know that Sopranos is having a new season soon? Do you really want to live through that not making semi-defrosted pizzas on my pazazz like the kings we are?
You've been out there and seen there isn't anything great about not-Madison. Remember all the great times we have had here. And think about all the great times to come, if you just come back.
Please people, it's not too late.
Come back to Madison.
Come back home.
Dan, it'd be so much easier for you to just come to Chicago with us! If you and James would just move to the north side of Chicago, we could get the family band back together.
We may not have the same house, but we can have the same rituals, food and bats.
Pack up your gear, hop in your corolla, and move on down.
what the fuck mootzgoose? you don't want ME back in madison?!?! i am OFFENDED!
Sorry Dave. I can't leave Madison. It is where my Harry Potter Dance Troup is.
And don't worry Chris. You're definitly in the sell out group who has at one point or another left Madison. This letter was also for you.
While I am honored, I must agree with Dave. If you do move to Chicago, I will personally join your nerdy dance club.
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