A Day In The Life
posted by Dan @ 10:04 PM
Well I was recently speaking with Megan the other day and she had asked me to take a camera around with me and document my day. She was clearly homesick and not thinking straight so I tried to explain to how unbelievably boring that would be. I'm a programmer. Well I could not convince her that it would be a bad idea. So here you go Megan. A day in my life.
[ Note: While I write this The Transporter 2 is on HBO. Dear God - Pat was right and Dave was wrong. The fire hose scene is brilliant. ]
Oh - one other thing. I don't own a digital camera. These were all taken with my cell phone. So sorry if they look terrible because they do. But really it doesn't matter - it's not like my job needs high quality film to capture it. I'm not a transporter.
Alright, my day starts off with me waking up and having to leave my awesome bed.

Then I go and take a shower and get dressed.
This is what I look like when I wake up:

This is what I look like after:

Pretty much the same except my hair is combed and I'm less pissed off. After that I go back to my room and am able to see my car from my bedroom window.

Because of this I decided to put a remote starter my car. It's probably the greatest thing I've ever put into my car. And that includes me. I drive about 20 minutes to work and get to my office.

And this is what I see while at my desk.

Typically I don't have any meetings, but that isn't always true.

But don't let this picture fool you. If I remember correctly the third meeting never happened. The second one is held in a movie theater and we get to eat popcorn and I try not to sleep. Oh and the last one was for ice skating. Ideally though there I won't have any meetings.
Typically I come in and check my email and a few other websites.

Now we all know it is impossible to print a blog. But I think that now that there is a picture of our blog on our blog the universe might implode on itself if someone tries to print it. Did that just BLOW YOUR MIND? ]
The rest of my day pretty much looks like this.

After work I go to the shell if I have time or hang out with friends.

Then I go home and make some popcorn.

And this is where I watch TV.

It's probably good to get this all on film. Because the space heater sitting on the cardboard box should burn down the apartment any day and this will help prove that I own a foosball table.

And finally bed.

And thus my day ends like it began. With me sleeping. I believe this is called a story arc. But I really don't know if that is right, I tried not to read in collage if possible. I did programmed a lot. So we'll call this a loop instead.
while (!Dan.dead)
That is more or less my day I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.
While I was pulling these pictures off my camera I found these:

Speaking of animals. If anyone who works with animals wants to post a day in their life I'm sure it would be much more interesting them mine. Actually I would love to see any of the 208ers' days.
[ Note: The transporter 2 is on again! This time I got to see him catch the bus with a jet ski. Brilliant. ]