posted by Dave @ 12:30 PM
I really hate to break the silence again so quickly after Mootzger, but Pat turns 23 today, let's all give him a big Life After 208 ruckus! Happy birthday, Pat!
I made you this kick ass cake, but all these dogs ate it.

Can you f'n believe it? I actually go through the trouble to bake you a cake, and went to take a picture of it and post it on a blog, and all these damn little dogs with party hats on come running into the kitchen and eat the whole thing! Luckily I managed to snap one picture just as they surrounded it. They paused for a moment to savor their victory, and as you can see I used my immensely long left arm to try to grab the one I figured would be the most hungry ('cuz he's the skinniest), but they all leapt on the cake the moment after this shot was taken.
See, what happened was that just as I set the cake on the table to take my picture, the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole, and the two white ones with the firemen's hats on tricked me into opening the door by barking that my roof was on fire! They had the hats and everything, so I came running out and when I turned around to look up at the roof they all darted out from behind some bushes and ran right into my house! Thank goodness dogs don't have thumbs, or else I'm sure they would have locked the door behind them.
Also, this is how we were goign to tell you that your present is us legally changing your name to Spinach. Happy birthday, Spinach!!