Settle Down Humans
posted by Dan @ 11:19 AM
I mean seriously. Life After 208 is not Tut's Typing Tutor, or what ever Apple II program your grade school made you use to learn the home row. Greatness is not measured in words per minute.
"Oh, look Imaginary Line is averaging .00000000120 words per minute while Life After 208 only is at .00000000107 words per minute. Wow they must suck!"
- Some Dumbass
I did some more research on this and Plato, who lived to be about 80 according to
wikapedia, wrote about 12 works. Now assuming that each one would be one blog post, that is one post ever 6 years or so. If we broke up his work into smaller posts, it would maybe average a post every other month.

Now, why haven't I been posting lately? Well work has been busy. Maybe you don't know but I make software for hospitals and if I don't do a good job people die. If you were walking down the street and saw me giving CPR to guy on the side of the road would you come up tell me to leave him and go post? Now what if I was giving CPR to 16 million people? Think about that before you start crying about a few days without a post.
Alright, after that I hope that you will now truly appreciate what is coming. Something that combines two 208 classic elements, a graph about the the Gilmore Girls. I decided to graph Rory's Hotness in the form of a pie chart.

It took my computer nearly five days to generate this graph, but really there were no surprises here. I do look forward to verifying the data by rewatching ever Gilmore Girls again.
"Oh, look Imaginary Line is averaging .00000000120 words per minute while Life After 208 only is at .00000000107 words per minute."
I believe my blog is entitled Imaginary Lines, so please adjust that mathematic to address only accurate words per minute.
Are you even CPR certified? It may not be the best idea to be giving CPR to people unless you are. Also, always remember to ask them if they want your help before you just give it; this will prevent them from suing you if you accidentally break some ribs.
Ha Ha, Good point James. If the person I'm giving CPR to tells me to stop and go Blog then I should probably do what he says.
Actually, according to the Good Samaritan provisions, you can't be held accountable if you hurt someone while trying to save their lives, so long as you have good itnentions. So go ahead and cardiopulmonary resuscitate away.
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