Back to the Future, The College Years
posted by LKc @ 9:33 PM

Some [all] of you will probably think what I did is SO weird, but hopefully you'll appreciate it too. I was back in Madison on Monday to give away a scholarship for the real estate program (Dan, sorry I didn't get in touch but I was literally there just for a breakfast and had to come right back). On my way out of town, I passed our old home: 208 S. Bassett. I decided that I should stop quick and see if anyone was home.

[upon approach, dudely evidence]
Someone [a dude] was home and let me in after little hesitation [probably drunk or high]. Come on in stranger!!!!!!!!!! I asked for a tour. He showed me around and thought it was weird that I asked him if I could take pictures, but I didn't care at all. This was worth capturing. The biggest disappointment was that he lived in the Sauna Room and ripped out all the shelving. The biggest awesome part was being able to tell him about the Epic Dan vs Mouse story after he asked if we had mice problems when we lived there [although I think he was looking more for a "yes" or "no"].
[not Ortez, but also a good use of this otherwise useless wall]
Apparently the people that moved in the year before all 5 of these hockey guys lived here painted almost every room in the house. They had reds, blues, greens, pink in the duck bathroom, and the best--neon blue in the tiny bathroom under the stairs. It looked pretty classy actually. Not as classy was the college L-shaped bar they built in the dining room around the built-in china cabinet. There was no Foosball table and a severe lack of additional communal computers.
[your average college guys, with a repaired furnace]
The guy giving me the tour kept putting everything down including the back secret staircase [unarguably one of the cooler parts of the house]. That totally pissed me off. I left out any stories of lazer tag here.
Some things don't change though...check out those bushes...they could still snatch up a small child...

[moped graveyard]
Some things don't change though...check out those bushes...they could still snatch up a small child...

[moped graveyard]
This visit really mad me miss school and the good life. Hopefully the house continues to give joy...or many more students in the future [until Dan buys it].