Gettin Krunk and other ponderings
posted by LKc @ 6:31 PM
Recently, there seems to have been a rash of awesome nights out. Here are 5 reasons why we should all go out more:
1. Your cash will be useless over the next however-many years...there are predictions of a massive financial fall-out sooner rather than later potentially as bad as the last Great Depression. Basically, we should spend our money on giant red mugs of beer now, rather than later (when $$ is without value...or when we don't have any anyway).
2. It could lead you to Broadway to become a professional choreographer. This is fantastic because it would mean you'd probably have to be drunk in order to do your job well. Plus, your steps might get into Justin Timberlake's next video. Plus, Plus, that might mean Dan will HAVE to build the lightbulb room.
3. You will become more cultured than you are now. This will occur by experiencing various beers, wines and liquors from around the globe. Knowing your booze, for whatever reason, impresses people. And you don't want to look dumb when you get to Dusseldorf.
4. You probably won't become an alcoholic. Chances are, if you're not already, you probably won't be. And, although I'm advocating more going out, I'm not advocating drinking alone in a sequenced red dress smoking Virgina Slims on a Tuesday night whilst talking to yourself.
5. It brings friends together--whether peeing in an alley or playing cards...these are to be known as "the best days of our lives". So, we should all be spending these days /very late nights together with friends.
Get over it.