For people that love music (and I know you all do)
posted by caps @ 5:15 PM
You should all check out the new Mellincolin album "Machine 15". It is more pop-punk than I have heard from them in the past, but it is a masterpiece.* The band is from Sweden, so the lyrics don't always match up or make complete sense, but that adds to the charm. It may take you a few listens to really feel it out, but I highly recomend it!
*My opinion from only listening for a few hours. However, it brought me out of a really bad funk that I have been in the last few days.
Sorry, the site where I got it was shut down. myspace them!
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I am currently on CD purchase hiatus to save a couple I checked them out on MySpace. Sounds like a premier album for summer driving.
Thanks for the tip-off.
PS--keep us posted on your fall visit!
You can download it for free if you follow the links
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