posted by Knep-Star @ 11:25 AM
I was wondering how many of us voted in the primaries? Are we political people or not political people?
My boss and I talk about politics of our generations a lot...and I make a lot of statements that I THINK are true about us as a generation regarding politics--but I'd love to know what you think, just to make sure I'm not crazy.
Are you Democrat? Republican? Independent? Do you vote? Do you care? Why or why not? If you do care--are there particular issues that you think are most important? Do you think there are issues that are overrated?
Anyone? Non-208's feel free to comment too!
I plan on voting on the 19th - Wisconsin's primary.
I would probably call myself an independent, although in the last few years, Democrat is probably more accurate.
And if I remember correctly, Laura is socialist.
I'm not very political at all, but I do vote in the presidential races, and try to educate myself to the point that I am not ruining the system.
But I did not vote in the primary for two reasons:
1) I completely forgot to register until very recently
2) I would vote for Obama, who is going to win Illinois in a landslide even without my support
I did not vote since Florida voted way early and I wasn't informed. Now I am stuck watching my back. I think P Diddy is following me. VOTE OR DIE! Hopefully I will live to the next primary.
Despite my 1.5 government degrees, I have lost interest/faith in politics. The whole election pattern is essentially a script that could've and was written years ago. Seriously, how long has Hilary been a presidential candidate? And what are the reasons for this?
The process is a half-step up from American Idol - except people are even less willing to admit that the thing is a popularity contest. Only 10% of the population really qualifies as independent, and rarely will those people make a decision based on solid grounds.
Most people we associate with probably do make an effort, but most people we associate with are not the "voters that count," despite P. Diddy's threats. I wouldn't say voting is a wasted effort. I'd simply suggest that it is an extremely marginalized effort (especially in non-swing states, sorry Dave).
That said, I haven't decided whether or not to vote. There are merits to democracy, I know, and it may be the best current option, but the absence of real, important information in the media requires a better educated population to effect a legitimate result. And who defines "better education?" Whoever we elect, I suppose. Confusing.
Conclusion: If I do vote, it will most likely be third party, in the hopeless hopes of opening up the system, aka I will vote for a muppet. Muppets are the only people I really trust anymore, anyway.
Thanks for your comments, ya'll. James, if you are alive, beware of hanging chads!!!!
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