Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Kettle Moraine Class of 2002 Five Year Reunion: Bust or Blast?!

posted by Knep-Star @ 12:57 PM   3 comments

So, all of the rest of the 208er's would have had a 5-year high school reunion last year. Mine was this year and remained unplanned by the elected senior class president...so, I took the reigns and put a little effort into having a nice reunion...

This was a terrible idea.

BUT...it still turned out OK.

#1. Pick a time and place...not too hard. I wanted something really casual and non-threatening; so I reserved a pavillion in a well-known park. Also, I purchased a liquor license...because I assumed we are all lushes.

#2. Contact everyone from your class...almost 400 of them. I started with Facebook (thank God for that)--but only found about 25% of the folks...most of whom are nowhere near Delafield, Wisconsin any more. I called the high school and retrieved our old phone directory--so I called everyone's parents who gave me other cell phone numbers or e-mail addresses. This was certainly the most daunting part. Most people did not remember who Laura Knepper was and asked me what my maiden name is...

#3. Cake, Pizza, Nametags (this will be funnier later, if you think about it). This was easy.

#4. Set-up. Should be easy...but there were 16 screaming ten year old boys and all their mommies having a birthday party in the pavillion when we got there. The Town of Delafield double-booked the pavillion! There were pinatas and blow-horns and balloons and bean bags being tossed in every direction...there was nothing we could do but bear it.

#5. People show up. OK, is it a downfall when only 8 of 365 people show up? Especially when you purchased a 50-person cake?

#6. Have fun anyway, because it totally stopped mattering at this point. So, we all drank a bunch of beers, talked about life, and played Apples to Apples.

#7. Unable to read Apples to Apples cards any more due to the Wisconsin country darkness...go to Kettle Moraine High School to the Homecoming Dance.

#8. Get kicked out.

#9. Convince the Town of Delafield to give you a full refund due to their double-book (check).

So, aren't you sad you didn't have a five year reunion?!


At October 09, 2007 2:58 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Hear ye, hear ye! Apples to Apples is one of the most boring and stupid games ever!

At October 12, 2007 5:54 AM, Blogger caps said...

Apples to Apples can be pretty fun if you re-lable the cards.

At October 12, 2007 9:16 AM, Blogger Knep-Star said...

Caps--then it might be Apples to oranges!!!!

Joe--take care of my friend Hollyweird while out in NYC. Have fun.

Dave--bubble gum cigars soon?


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