Dan's Thinking About It!!
posted by Dave @ 1:18 PM
First of all, Dan, don't worry about glass floors and flying rigs and any other insane demands that Laura makes. She's very much gone crazy. (Though she is right on that you fist-pounding a Jaguar is pretty decisive.)
Your conditions are just fine with me - we'll clear your queue* of all other contents (is this alright with the rest of you 208'ers?), and Joe has already agreed to learn the Candyman dance and recreate the video.(You Tube won't let me embed it, but you can see the video here: Candyman Video. Please notice the fact that the dance is really a very small part of this video, so recreating it will involve lots of other weird crap, I'm sure (which means gaurnteed fun).
With Laura's addition of free ribs, how can you say no???
*Dan's queue items that I can remember:
-Build a Lightbulb Room
-Build an arcade box that plays every game
-Clear all contents of the queue
Dan, you have an extra bedroom in your condo. You really have no excuse not to do this, especially now that you don't need the glass floor.
On another note, it looks like I will be home again in August/September. No details yet.
Joe just told me about this. I will also attend the video recreation (if it's okay with the other 208'ers) and do the once infamous sodabox dance from The Penguin Movie:
This also means that I will buy you four 12-packs of soda of your choice. Someone else will have to provide the goggles to make it authentic.
OH MY GOD, Dan! Please!!!
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