Lightbulb Room Negotiations
posted by Dave @ 4:40 PM
Mootzy, if you make the lightbulb room, no matter how shitty (within the constraints listed below), I will shave my head, buy a white suit, and recreate this music video. Note that Maria will be very upset if I do this - she has specifically told me NOT to shave my head on multiple ocassions, but I will still do it. I will post the video to the internet and everyone will see how great you are. The only constraints are:
1) I must be able to dance inside of it (size-wise). Dancing on knees is fine.
1a) I'd really like it you danced in there with me, too, and maybe other 208ers, so big enough for a couple of people would be ideal, but not necessary.
2) You actually have to make it (you can't just like hang a lightbulb on your wall and call it a day). This requires some sort of structure* to be built.
*This is defined very very loosly. A stiff breeze could blow this thing over and I wouldn't care.
3) The lightbulb room must have at least a ceiling and three walls. Each surface must have at least three lights on it (though, really, a few more lights would make a big difference).
4) At least two different colors of lights
5) You must, by even the most basic of means, be able to flash different lights on and off.
In exchange for you constructing the lightbulb room, I will come to the lightbulb room and bring Pat and Laura (plus do my damndest to get Glen there). I can't gaurntee Caps, but who knows?? I am also ready to offer these incentives:
1) We will have fun
2) I will buy you dinner and drinks
3) I will also make you a t-shirt that explains how great you are for building a lightbulb room.
4) Remember, I'll shave my head and recreate the music video.
5) I know you've basically heard all that before, so here's the real kicker: Joe was supposed to memorize the dance from Christina Aguilera's Candyman video and he never did. If you agree to build the lightbulb room, in addition to the incentives offered above, I will enter into seperate negotiations with Joe to get him to memorize and recreate that dance for us. I promise we will spend entirely too much time and effort on recreating that video as well.
If these terms are not acceptable, please post with what you'd like!!
Hahahaha...yes yes yes! Come on Mootzgorilla! We NEED you!
(P.S. Don't believe Joe's lies!)
Haha, I love the infommercial twist at the end. "And that's not all! You also get Joe dancing the Candyman dance at no extra charge!"
Okay - I am actually (for the first time ever) considering this. One more condition - any thing that is on my "queue" will be cleared after this. And nothing else will ever go on that damn thing.
This by no means says I am going to do this, but a condition should I end up creating this stupid thing.
Do you agree?
Also I demand Joe's lie about the Candyman dance. Even though I have no clue what the Candyman dance is.
Dave has left out the fact that to recreate this video, we'll need a glass floor in the lightbulb room as well as "flight simulation" equipment so Dave can fly.
Besides this, I think this deal is a sweet one for you Dan. And I don't mind the personal benefits either. In fact, to make the deal even sweeter, I would offer up a dinner of ribs at a place of your choosing.
Dave, start working on your beat box and pop locks!!!!!
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