Why this page gets f'd Up
posted by Dave @ 9:11 AM
It was just brought to my attention that this blog often has width trouble and the content ends up getting pushed all the way down below the menu bar. The reason that happens is because of pictures being used in crazy ways that makes the content section too wide (so it can't fit within the page width next to the menu). For example, the reason it was happening before is that we had a picture of Laura and a picture of David Bowie posted right next to each other, both aligned to the left, both on the same line. This meant that that particular line was uber wide. Uber duber wide.
So basically, rather than make the page width bariable or super wide or something to try to anticipate this happening, let's all just be nice and careful with how we use pictures. If you want to put two pictures on the same line, use the blogger picture posting interface. Under formating chose "none" - this way, if the pictures are too big to fit on the same line, they'll just get broken out to two lines. And in general, if you're going to use pictures, make sure they fit.
Alright, everyone. Go back about your business.
Also, note that Firefox doesn't have this problem. Because Firefox is smarter than IE. You should be using Firefox.
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