This weekend
posted by P. Arty @ 8:49 PM
So of course there were many good parts about this weekend, such as seeing old friends, witnessing Kris and Jes get married, etc. All that was expected to be good, so here are five of my favorite moments from the trip, excluding the obvious ones.
5. Listening to Sigur Ros while witnessing the sunset through the downtown Minneapolis sunset, and then again while driving through a beautiful, autumnal scene just outside of Menomonie. You know...that really hilly, winding area on I-94. It was awesome. Also, I don't know why, but the sky is always so vibrant and colorful in Minneapolis.
4. Chris Chris Polley giving me a Mushroom Jazz Five livestrong-esque bracelet. The absurdity of the fact that this bracelet exists is only trumped by the absurdity that there are five Mushroom Jazz albums.
3. Looking over at Dave during Just Like Heaven as he was holding his head in his hands, having been disappointed by the movie double header. It totally made sitting through that train wreck of a movie worth it.
2. The Blogulution meeting on Pfeiffer's porch. I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I remember SO MANY HIGH FIVES. I also remember telling Joe he could come "half" in the meeting to take a picture of it for his blog. It's been a long time since I've laughed that hard.
1. Not much can top those moments; however, Dave and I were lucky enough to have been listening to Drive 105 at an opportune moment. As I started the car after dropping my sister off at her dorm, Drive 105 was playing Tegan and Sara. Needless to say, I nearly died. Only Tegan and Sara could top hilarious livestrong bracelets, the blogulution, and Dave's complete disappointment.
0. I just remembered one, so I'm adding it. Chris Polley playing the Best Buy Radio version of the Basement Jaxx's Red Alert during Kris' wedding. Genius, Chris Polley. Absolutely genius. I also like that it promised another Basement Jaxx song that was never delivered. Way to leave us wanting more, Polley.
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