Treasure-ful Pictures
posted by Dave @ 11:26 AM
So I sat down in front of Joe's massive television the other night, and his computer's screen saver was running on it. Pictures were displaying one at a time. Good stuff, when suddenly, was that Joe with blonde hair? Oh my god, I didn't know physical records of that time period existed! Further investigatory work revealed THIS:

Behold: Pfeiffer with golden hair, Polley when Polley was the small one, Metzgerino lookin' young, Brian Hilgeman somehow looking EXACTLY like he does today, Pat Hayden eating a cookie or something, That's my hand there, Tom McClure (sp?), and Halibus all at Joe's 16th birthday party.
(click on the pictures for bigger versions)

Where to start? Pat's hair. Dean Lorenz. THE HANSON T-SHIRT. Also, I look like I'm 13! I'm not sure what we're doing here, but I'm guessing we're admiring the shirt or something. I had forgotten Joe wore braces. I guess we all did.
Amazing. Look for the billion other things that need to be blogified about this past weekend popping up sometime soon.
I like that even back then, Chris Polley was fellating Josef Pfeiffer.
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