A la HDR
posted by P. Arty @ 12:13 AM
Here's my take on the last week of television.
Gilmore Girls
Much better than last week, methinks. We need to get Rory and Lorelai back, stat. I'm sure this will happen soon, but it's urgent. Rory's life as a community service expert, Daughter of the American Revolution, and spy for her grandmother is really kinda lame. As I would say to Mootzgorilla, apologize!
Big Ups:
-Rory in her first scene. The pink shirt and bangs scene. Yaba haba!
-The dog barking to "pizza," barking twice to "pizza, pizza," and sitting silently to "salad."
-Metzger screaming into the pillow (albeit a little forced by me) when the construction guys got to see Lorelai naked.
-Me bringing a notebook to write all this stuff down in.
-The Mystic Hammer.
-Good job with the band. Bring them back.
-Luke talking CJ up about his shelves. Also Luke taking care of the dog. What a guy. He ranks right up there with Sara Quin and Chris Polley on my crush list.
Big Downs:
-Lane is not nearly hipster enough. Pink streaks in her hair? A picture of a drumset on her shirt? I don't think any hipster drummer would wear a shirt with a picture of a drumset. Plus, her band's name is "Hep Alien."
-New Tristen. I already forgot his real name, which surprised me when I heard it this episode. This guy is a drag. He's making Rory act all messed up, and he's just kinda cocky and irritating. Boo.
-Rory. Look what's become of your life, Miss Gilmore. Get your act together!
-No Kirk?
This week's episode begs the question: are the two money shots per week really worth an hour of my time? This show is awful, but there are two great moments every week. This week it was character X (like it matters, anyway) having his boat flipped over by the aqua-ghost and the aqua-ghost lurking above the surface for a couple seconds to haunt character Y.
Other than the money shots, this show is unacceptable.
Big Ups:
-The money shots.
Big Downs:
-Everything else.
Next week: "It starts as a normal flight; it ends as an exorcism 30,000 feet in the air!" Looks like I'll be watching, again.
The Office
I really like this show. A lot. I love the subtle (and not-so-subtle) glances back at the camera, the ridiculousness and awkwardness of the boss, and especially Jim and Pam's relationship. This is the most anticipated relationship since Luke and Lorelai. I can't wait until my life is like this in four months.
Oh, and Jenna Fischer is really hot.
Big Ups:
-Jenna Fischer.
Big Downs:
-Jenna Fischer not always on screen.
Arrested Development
This is the smartest show on television, now that Six Feet Under's six feet under. I love the abundance of references to previous episodes, as early as the pilot. I love the Steve Holt plot. This is, in my opinion, the best show on television. Sorry, Gilmore Girls.
Big Ups:
-"No touching!"
-Lucille making the face.
-"Momma's horny, Michael."
-"That's a lot of money for the stupidest idea I've ever heard."
-"You're gonna get some live-ins."
-The return of GOB's penny suit.
-"Gather around humans!"
-"Free Chicken."
-"Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?"
-Bob Loblaw (ok, this is next week, but this made me laugh for three minutes straight).
Big Downs:
-This whole British plot makes me nervous, but I'm sure it will work out.
Pat - Have you seen the British Office?
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