Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Guest Post

posted by P. Arty @ 5:48 PM   2 comments

My dear friends,

Some of you may be doubting my "integrity" after reading the review of my review of The Transporter 2 by one Hollywood "Dave" Ryan. It's not my fault Dave is incapable of experiencing joy. It's also not my fault that ever since I've been wrongfully accused of stealing change and whiskey from he and fellow "poster" Mootzgorilla, he has been dying to make the world question my character. And finally, it's not my fault that he lacks taste.

The fact of the matter is, The Transporter 2 is a fun movie. Just ask IMDb user Eyes_of_Amber or my sister, who several times during and after the showing proclaimed her love for it.

If that's not enough, read the words of one Molly Szymanski, who in response to the original review wrote the following:


Just wanted to tell you [I would post it on your blog,
but I don't think it would let me because I'm not a
"member," so feel free to post it for me if you

Guess what I saw this weekend! The Transporter 2, my
friend. And let me tell you it was all you said it
would be, and MORE. I saw it with my parents [at my
dad's urgent suggestion], when they popped down for a

Here are my top 3 favorite moments of MY movie going

1.) When the Transporter uses his IPOD to store and
later transfer screen shots of the bad Russian guy.
GENIUS PRODUCT PROMOTION. Who even remembers that an
IPOD doubles as a hard drive? I mean it was
originally promoted as the dual MP3 player/hard drive,
and I had forgotten!

2.) Every action sequence.

3.) At the end of the movie my mom turns to me and
goes, "I thought this movie was about aliens." Me:
"what?!" Mom: "yeah, I kept waiting for the
transporter to turn into an alien or something, but he
never did. I didn't want to see it because that's
what I thought it was going to be about. I liked it;
I would have gone to see this!" You just did Ma, you
just did.

Oh, additionally, my mom wanted to read your review,
after which she commented, via e-mail:
"This review was hilarious! I was laughing out loud
because seeing the movie gave me great appreciation
for his play by plays. BUT how does he remember all
the detail? Also, well-written."

We salute you for unapologetically finding joy in all
the things life has to offer and sharing that
enthusiasm with others. Well done Pat Hayden.


If that's not a convincing endorsement, I don't know what is.

And thank you to Molly's mom for calling my review "well-written." This is probably the first time this has happened since I wrote a story about a squirrel winning the lottery in second grade. That meant a lot to me.


At October 04, 2005 6:24 PM, Blogger Dave said...

"I wrote a story about a squirrel winning the lottery in second grade"


At October 04, 2005 6:47 PM, Blogger P. Arty said...

If I still had it I would.


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