Lego Wars, Page Changes
posted by Dave @ 11:39 AM
I'm having trouble making this site look good (in my opinion). I think it's getting there - still pretty dull. Fix it if you can.
In the mean time, Check this site out: Brikwar Battle Report. So very strange. What on earth could the rules of this possibly be?

It looks like a roll playing game such as DD but with LEGO bocks. I know this may seem obvious, but the details are hard to explain. You would have had to live on Witte 3A to possibly come close to understanding. The fate of Legoland is at stake here!
Ooooh...I think it looks nice.
I like that Metzger's list keeps getting longer and longer. Much like real life.
Where the hell did Grizzle, Gizle, and Honker come from???
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