Blogging With A Ghost Contest Part Two!
posted by Dan @ 8:55 PM
Tegan and Sara are coming back to Chicago again! You know what that means! What quote will Pat recite to them? Or rather what will Pat yell at them while he and I are getting escorted away by security after we sneak on to their bus.
Remember there is all new material to choose from!

Another photo I found to help you guys come up with ideas.

Labels: Contest, Hot Lesbian Twins
I don't have a great handle on the material, but I'll put in for:
"I stray, too; sometimes really far and I get lost..."
And maybe add " your eyes."
Yessss! I may have an unfair advantage, since I'm me and all, but this is what I foresee happening:
After the show I strike up a surprisingly normal conversation with them. Details behind this step are still in the works, as I clearly have no idea how something like that happens.
Anyway, as they're leaving, in one last utterly desperate attempt at seeming cool I say:
I feel you in my heart;
And I don't even know you;
And now we're saying bye; bye; bye
At this point they both, in unison, say "You are a TOTAL douche bag."
Or maybe I'll just stick with my usual:'s WRONG with you??
Pat, I think they won't give you enough time to say any of that...although they will in unison call you a douchebag...
So...I think it'll go something like this (I was going to put pictures with this, but unfortunately have run out of eye flashes...):
Pat: "I swear I'll sleep outside your window"
Tegan & Sara: You're a total Douchebag!!
Pat: "that goes without saying"
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(Pat walks toward Teegy and Sar-Sar with a handful of refrigerator magnets. Snickering and rife with lustful self-confidence, he opens his mouth, about to speak...)
T (to S): Oh no, not this douchebag again.
(Pat stares at floor, defeated, drops the magnets, realizing he can't control the pull of one to the other.)
S (to T): What a sad douchebag.
(Holding back tears, Pat yells as they walk away...)
Pat: "Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at!"
(T & S keep walking, never turning back.)
Pat: "I know I'll hold this loss in my heart forever!"
T & S in unison: TO-TAL DOUCHE-BAG!
Hahahaha, great entries everyone! The winning entry is as follows:
"So are you ladies sure you're not into dudes?"
I believe it's from an If It Was You b-side, but I can't recall the name of the song.
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