A Day in the Life 4 (not as cool as the forth book in the Encyclopedias of America)
posted by Knep-Star @ 9:26 AM
Ok, gang. I'm back in action...it only took me five months to set up a Google account so I can post. As, I'm now caught up on the Life After 208 posts, I thought I would update day in the life...
1. I wake up and imediately hop in the shower without time to take a before picture; but I can assure you I look like Angelina Jolie at my waking moments. This is me just out of the shower, clean and happy. Sorry for the "raw" footage.
2. My bed has never been messed up before EVER; so here is a picture of my always made princess haven:
3. I try to dress up for work usually, but being on construction sites during parts of the day and then meeting financial lenders at other parts makes dressing difficult, but I've taken a liking to wearing dresses whenever possible (I went for Jazz hands instead of a thumbs up or A-OK sign, although my hand is cut off by the doorway):
4. I drive to work; I often listen to peppy music to get me going. My commute is usually under 15 minutes which "rawks". This is my desk at work:
I have quite a few meetings lately cause I've taken over for my boss for the month of June. Some of these meetings tell me to start an e-mail stream w/ the 208 gang. My latest meeting was really exciting--I showed one of our warehouse properties to the producers of the BRAVO reality TV show Top Chef...they seemed interested in leasing for the filming of the next season there!
5. The office is now packed as we've hired two more people recently, but I'm in the office alone a lot too:
6. The view from our office is an expansive park, no, terrace, no, skyline of awesome architecture, no...a tree-lined street in the hip Bucktown neighborhood. People are always going through the stop sign :
7. Because I don't work downtown or next to a Q'Doba, I sadly usually don't get to "do lunch" with friends, so I make a sandwich and have some fruit for a snack (all the while reading uppety magazines about "green" construction materials like carpet):
8. After lunch sometimes I drop by our projects to see how things are going; Chantico Lofts is almost done and we just won an award for it; The Maduro is SOOO not done and has such a long way to go that I'll probably grow a gray beard before it's completed:
...if you have too much time on your hands....
9. After work I may go to some social event or Volleyball; on Sundays, a Red Robin trip is the best bet. If nothing's going on, I take a jog to the "beach" and then read lots of magazines about what's going on in Chicago (although I never get around to doing these things, they all sound exciting--PS, Pat...there is a train show at the Botanical Gardens for the next couple weeks). Then Melissa and I do Hi/Lo for about ten minutes and we go to bed (because she wakes up at 5:30 and I have nothing better to do):
10. Although this is an old picture, my weekend's usually end up looking like this if I'm not out of town (but I'm trying really hard to live a new healthy lifestyle these days):
11. I was hoping this post would be interesting and funny. I think it is neither of the two, although perhaps enlightening. At this point, I think:
a. Glen and Pat need to post their days
b. We all vote on best and worst
Thaaaaaaaaaaat's all. [insert bozo the clown parade]
[Claps hands] Yaaaaay haha yaay yaay!
I should get around to posting my day some time. I think it would really depress me though.
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