I'm Back, Maybe, Part 2
posted by LKc @ 4:49 PM
OK. I'm neck deep in my improv class now. I wanted to give everyone a bullet-point list of updates:
- We've really only been doing warm-ups and two games. Although not everyone on the team has improv experience, it seems everyone has caught on to warm-ups and therefore we probably don't need to do them for half the session (this is annoying).
- The two games we've focused include one where one person at a time enters the stage and the scene changes at each entry until ALL people are on stage; then people leave the stage in the same order backwards and the scenes go backwards in the same order. That probably didn't make sense, but it's fun and challenging. The second game is when several people take the stage and act out a two-minute scene. The SAME scene is then done in one-minute. Then 30 seconds; then 15 seconds; then 5 seconds; then 1 second. This game reminds us to find the truly important parts of the scene.
- The weird old guy (see "I'm Back, Maybe Part 1") is truly old and weird, but has come up with some fantastic one-liners including one about a head of lettuce.
- I have already fake humped a guy on stage in a lobby on our "honeymoon". As of last week, I've gone to this person's band concert and kissed him on the mouth outside of a bar. He uses organic toothpaste and only rides his bike.My judgment was fully intact, so that's all interesting.
- My teacher always wears this blue hoodie with white strings. I love it and want to yank it off his body every week to wear for my very own. Although I've been going around kissing strangers...I haven't quite gotten to stripping them...yet.
- On one occasion, we've stopped into The Grafton pub after class which is right next door. I really like this place a lot and hope we keep going. Cheap beer, live music and comfy booths...it doesn't get too much better than that.
- We have a "show" next week on December 15th at 7PM at the Old Town School of Music on Lincoln Avenue if anyone is interested. I promise nothing. Nix. I promise to fit in the word 208 somewhere--even though that's not entirely improv.
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