The coolest thing that's ever happened to me
posted by Knep-Star @ 12:29 PM
Melissa and I went out to Diaggastino's last night to celebrate her first sale at her new job. We ordered a big ol' Chicago style cheese pizza (already knowing we'd have leftovers).
After a 30 minute wait (typical time to wait for all that gooey cheese and crust to get good n' done) the waitress brought out out pizza and told us the crust was burned and that she just ordered the cooks to put in another one. (Note: this first pizza was TOTALLY edible and not burnt but more of what a person who likes a "more done" pizza would eat in a second, so we chowed down).
Not too much later did the waitress bring out our second, less done, pizza (looking nearly identical and sitting right next to our other pizza). We chowed down on that too...
::insert people looking at us funny because two girls have an entire table full of enough pizza for a little league team::
We ate and ate until we could eat no more...and we still have 10 pieces of Chicago style pizza at home (i.e. 5 more meals worth of pizza) in the fridge!!
The greatest part about all of this, is of course, that we only paid for one giant Chicago style pizza and we got two giant Chicago style pizzas! So we will be happy, full, and not broke for quite some time.
It was the greatest part of any day I've ever least of the week...
More to come: why do restaruants here only give one free refill (or no refills depending where you go)?!?!
What a great sounding evening of food! It made me think of a song: Weird Al’s “A Complicated Song”(download or it is in my AIM get file).
I hope a similar event doesn’t happen to you.
It may have been enough for a little league team, but was it enough for the atypical college guys at 208?
Did someone say pizza?
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