posted by caps @ 7:02 PM

Disney has a new face in its arsenal of lovable characters. After working for the company for 16 months, I have been offered a full time zookeeper position at the Animal Kingdom. I do not know which animals I will be working with yet, but it will be with a variety of different species. I do not have a specific starting date yet either, since I am still filling in on the primate team. The managers from each of the teams are going to compete for me American Gladiator style; at least I think that is what a memo was saying.
Anyway, this new opportunity means that I will be moving down here, which is good and bad news. Bad news because I will continue to be away from all of you, but good because you will know someone who's couch you can crash on in the Orlando area. Also, I will have to make a trip up to Wisconsin sooner or later to get more of my stuff. So you may actually get to see me and not have to live vicariously through my paint-doctored-photos or facebook profile.
Though I will still miss you all, I have to continue writing this chapter of my life. Besides, working for Disney has its benefits...
You'll have to let us know when they assign you. Also make sure to give us enough notice on when you are coming back. It would be nice to have a 208 reunion, but it will take a while to track down Leigh.
That's great!! It'll take a great zoo keeper to whip that rag-tag group of ducks and dog-like-things into shape, but I'm sure you're the man for the job.
Do indeed let us know when you'll be in Wisconsin; trips will assuredly be arranged.
P.S. When you figure out how to sleep with Ariel, let me know.
P.P.S. Did you guys see that totally lame article Laura posted about hookers WITHOUT PICTURES??
You have the coolest job out of any one I know ::Pat losing his actuarial coolness badge::
Way to go!! Of course, we'll need to all get together when you come back here...but what about all of us taking a trip down there??!!! Anyone else interested?!?!?
PS--Goofy is my mom's favorite "lovable character"
PPS--Dave, you can't have what you can't handle.
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