We finally did it!
posted by Dan @ 10:33 PM
As some of you may already know, Pat and I have been trying to introduce some new words into the English language for about a year now. Pat thought he had read the word Hypster in some online review and assumed this was a word for an Ultra Hipster. Trying to be cool I began to use this work in my regular vocabulary only to find out later Pat made the whole thing up. He could no longer find the article and I'm fairly positive that it was accidentally created by him.
Well this only made me want to use the word more often. It was not uncommon to hear me yell, "Hypster alert!" anytime I got within fifteen feet of Pat. This posed a problem. What should I yell when I'm around some who's hipster qualities surpass even Pat's? What could I possibly yell upon seeing Chris Polley? We decided a new word was needed and by combining hipster and uber came to hubster - an ultra hypster or an ultra ultra hipster.
Well using these two words at every possible moment finally seems to be paying off. When Walmart decided launch a new my space type web site, School My Way they clearly went to the streets to connect with the kids and decided on calling all uses hubsters. And let me tell you Ultra Ultra Hipsters is about the only thing a person can do to describe this website. Check out the videos on the main page. They are unbelievable. Literally - I don't believe those kids made them.

While we have made huge leaps forward I have created a graph to how much further we have to go. As you may or may not be able to see hypster has been hovering around 5 or 6 people since it was first created. Also very prominent in the graph is how much the Walmart new website has helped out hubster. While still not as popular hipster, it is fairly well known now. Which is okay because as we all know if too many people know about a thing it isn't cool anymore. Which is why Pat hates Jimmy Eat World's guitar solos.
So I encourage all you hipsters out there to take the next step and become hubsters. I guarantee You'll be the coolest kid in school.
Holy cow. Where to begin.
First of all, I love this post. This made my day. Give it a bloggie. Give it all the bloggies. I sure hope you posted this from a plane.
Second of all, I LOVE the fact that you found the word "Hubster" at a Walmart site. For some reason I get the suspicion that you Google "hypster," "hubster," "uber hipster," and "ultra hipster" every day.
Third of all, I can't believe Walmart called this site the hub (pronounced "hoob"). What a weird name for their site!
Fourth of all (4), thank you for revivifying the blog-graph. You're a regular Necrotech Employee.
Keep up the good work, Mootzy. You made my day.
Oh...I forgot. The guitar solo line almost got me fired from my job. Genius.
While I'm hot. Next time you're modeling the use of a word over time, I would incorporate either some noise or perhaps a few random shocks into your simulated data. This will be hard to do in Paint, but it'll be worth it.
Simulated data? That was the result of a random sampling of the US population once a week over the last year.
Oh! I didn't know the poll was so scientific!
I'm astounded by how consistent the growth in "hipster" was.
i don't get math, but i think i'm being made fun of.
Chris - Calling someone a Hubster is the biggest complementI you can give to anyone. Trust me, you are not being made fun of.
Haha, nice work, Metz - it warms these old bones to see a graph back on top of Life After 208.
I was telling people stories about your blog last night, thats the kind of missing you that I do. Not you as people, but you as bloggers.
Oh line graphs, fabulous.
I dont know if Mr. P.Arty is unaware, but pal, I've got a new blog, jackass. Though sadly, I know I have a readership of more than just you, since no one from Chicago reads, according to my tracker.
Whats your email so I can start harassing you daily.
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