Huge Gilmore Girls (SPOILERS)
posted by Dave @ 10:18 PM

Two Words: TOO BLUNT.
Let's face it - this episode handled a huge event, an event that has been building for weeks, in a rather strange way. No slow, tense build towards some meeting. Rather, just a sudden phone call, and BAM, it's happening. Which worked in its own way - it really ramped from slow-burn to HOLY BALLS!! In no time. Had this moment not been ruined for me by all those damn Gilmroe Girls ads, I'm sure that moment would have been literally orgasmic. (I am suddenly very very very very mad at all those ads I saw. I'm guessing Pat and Dan will love this episode more than I did because that moment came as a suprise for them. DAMMIT!) Because I was expecting this reunion, I'm guessing it tainted that entire thing for me.
This blunt-ness problem also extended to the completely out of left field new plot of LUKE'S DAUGHTER??? Woah. Let me sit down for a second and just try to figure out where the f this came from. Talk about stealing the thunder. This entire, huge-ass, new plot line was introduced in a short scene which seemed to be some strange joke. Then Luke goes to a middle school science fair, and out of no where he has a daughter. For real. For keeps. What on earth? No where was this ever hinted at. No warm up, no preperation, no rationalization, really, just a sudden punch to the face. This pisses me off a little, because this is supposed to be our few weeks of perfection right here right now. We made it through the weeks of turmoil, and now I'm owed a few episodes where the biggest problem is Kirk's marble truck tipping over. I'm guessing that in a few episodes the new kid will be accepted, and become just another quirky character - someone Rory can mentor, probably. I guess they wanted something extra for Luke to bring to the table - this certianly heightens the stakes for the impending Gilmrore-Danes wededing. Rory's going to get a sister. Another Gilmore Girl? Crazy.
I Did Not Love
All in all I loved the episode, just for all the Rory stuff. The Luke stuff struck me as weird. Very weird. Hopefully it will smooth over soon. I am also nervous about the Luke - Christopher conflict. It makes sense that Luke doesn't like him, but he shouldn't be getting so freaking upset just because he calls. I hope, really hope, that Christoper and Luke will bury that hatchet soon, at least enough that they can be around each other, and that things start shaping up for the wedding. I'm down with extending the conflicts a little bit, but honestly, this is getting a bit close to the "too much" line for me. Once you start introducing mystery daughters, I get a little nervous.
I have every confidence in Ms. Sherman-Palidino, though. I very much look forward to next week (bravo, not skipping a week after the big event this time), and I hope the new kid has some chops. There's no room for a dumb kid in the world of the Gilmores.
I Still Loved
Rory's entire story line. Talk about hitting the ground running - she packs up, moves out, deflects attacks from Lane's boyfriend, fights her way into a job, succesfully lives through a several minute "talking on your cell phone while driving alone" scene without getting in a car crash (something I'm always nervous about in such situations), all in about one day! Fantastic. Great to have her back - Loreli said it best, "Rory's back! She's back at home, back at Yale, she got a job, and she did it all on her own." (Or something to that effect.) I love that she's back at Yale already, and there shall be no extra red tape to get her back on her feet now that she's returned. Anyone think Paris got that apartment anyways, and has a room waiting for Rory...?
Also, I can't wait to see what happens between Rory and Logan.
Here's to the Gilmore Girls! (toast)
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