Madison Mash-Em-Up Itinerary
posted by P. Arty @ 9:34 PM
6:00pm-10:00pm Arrival, Check-In
10:00pm Opening Ceremony with Hollywood Dave Ryan
11:00pm Possible trip to Genna's? Foosball? Bat hunting in Pat's apartment (bring your own umbrella; I have rubbermaid containers for everyone)?
1:00pm Lunch at Qdoba. Josef Pfeiffer will be eating two burritos.
3:00pm-ish Matinee showing of Saw II. Rory's parents may come!
5:00pm-ish Group blog about Saw II.
6:00pm-ish Dinner at some sort of eatery.
8:00pm Atlas, featuring Hollywood Dave Ryan
10:00pm Genna's? Foosball? Bat hunting in Metzger's apartment?
11:00am Breakfast at The Original Pancake House. Pfeiffer's treat.
Anything else anyone wants to do? For the record, Genna's is a bar. There are a variety of different bars we can go to, if people want to go to a bar. If not, I'm not sure what else to do, as neither Metzger nor I have spacious areas like 208 to entertain large groups of people. Any suggestions will be taken seriously. Especially those made by Chris Polley, since Saturday is your birthday and all.
Also! You are more than welcome to sleep on Metzger and my floors/couches. I hear Pfeiffer's bringing some air mattresses, and Dave's staying at his sister's place, so we might not have to make anyone sleep on the floor. I would recommend bringing other sleeping things, such as pillows and blankets. I live alone, and Metzger sleeps in the nude with no coverings. We have limited supplies. I would also recommend bringing a towel.
Here's the expected guest list. Let me know if you are coming and not on the list or on the list and not coming:
Chris + Jes
Joe + Bri
Dave + Maria
Brams Stoker (Harry) !!!
See you all soon at the Madison Mash-Em-Up!
Wait a sec... qualler's coming?... oh gosh I've only met him on the internets... butterflies!
*I am not sure I'll be IN Atlas Saturday, but I will be AT Atlas for at least the first show.
*My sister has at least one sleepable couch, which we can throw someone on to avoid floor-time.
*Awesome that Rory's parents are comming out for Saw II!
*Pfeiffer, thanks for breakfast.
Alright, then I get Metzger again. Metzger, I'm starting to get the feeling that we're dating.
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