Gilmore Girls is Everywhere (No Real Spoilers)
posted by Dave @ 9:23 AM
In the past 12 hours I have been hit by a literal hurricane of Gilmore Girls ads. All of them ruining the suprise of tonight's episode. If you have not yet seen any, and don't want to, I recommend you close your eyes and plug your ears for the rest of the day.
The first one came last night as I laid half-asleep in bed. The WB was on, and Maria roused me as a Gilmore Girls ad came on (not knowing the content within, I'm sure). I opened my eyes to be blind-sided by an image and a voice-over that I did not want to see in advance.
I then was confronted by another suprise-spoiling ad on the local paper, and a third inside the paper next to my crossword puzzle.
Clearly the WB wants the word out. Which makes sense - they want people to tune in, but it sucks they are putting the suprise so out there. I probably would have seen this on last week's "next week on the Gilmore Girls" anyways, but we just happened to miss it.
It sucks that its ruined, but I'm psyched as hell for the episode.
That's rough. I hope it's not as bad as when I learned season 5 of Six Feet Under's big surprise.
Man, I almost jumped out a window when I read that.
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