Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
posted by Dan @ 10:23 PM
Ok - I have been meaning to post this, but wanted to make sure everyone who wanted to see it got to first. Now that Dave has, let the review begin:

While there were some major problems with the movie overall they did pretty well with what they had to work with. It is a long book and and had a ton of special effects in it which I thought were done very well. Despite costing $127 trillion to make, most of the things that were cut out were done due for budget reasons (the Quidditch World Cup, the house elves and S.P.E.W, and the monsters in the third challenge) but they kept in most of the important things. Although I don't know why they kept Reta when they took out almost all of the important stuff about her getting black mailed was left out. You might as well not introduce her at all. However when it was all done I wasn't disappointed with what they took out but what they kept in.
This book is probably the main reason why I got hooked on this series. It was written so well that despite being the longest book so far it went by incredibly fast. So did the movie, but for very different reasons.
Dave said it best when he commented that there was no pacing through out the movie. It was one thing to the next and nothing ever sunk in. I never felt like Harry was screwed like I did when I read the book. Everything just moved too fast.

There were however things I loved. The first two tasks were great. The parts of the Quidditch World Cup that we did see looked really cool. Fred and George were great and all the teen romance plots were really well done. Although after seeing Harry talk to Cho in owlery I had to get up and check if this was GoF or OoP! Am I right or what?
I was also worried about Mad Eye Moody, because he was the first new charter that I read about before seeing in a movie. He did really well despite being nothing like I thought he might. And the grave yard scene was pretty creepy like it should be, but I was expecting a little more. Voldermort taunted Harry in the book about killing his father which made the whole fight a lot more emotional.
My favorite part of the movie has to be when Harry comes back from the Grave Yard. It was so creepy and great the way eveyone was cheering and the band playing and Harry clinging to Cedric's dead body. Very well done.
So why was I so disappointed in the end despite all that was done well in this? I think it is because I was expecting this book to translate into such a good movie. I figured the three tasks and the grave yard scene would carry it - but they couldn't. There was so much to go through that there was never time for anything to sink in.
I really believe that Order of the Phoenix will make a much better movie then Goblet of Fire despite being much longer. It is less linear then Goblet of Fire. There are three or more plot lines going on at the same time and I think it might feel less rushed because and all the plot lines can be going on at the same time. Plus the whole movie can build up to then end instead of trying to build up three separate times. I'm sure much of it will be cut out but what will be left in will be well worth watching.
Despite all it's problems I did like the Goblet of Fire more the second time. My expectations were altered and I could concentrate on what they did so well and look past the problems and enjoy the movie.
I for one liked this movie the best so far. I think it's because I don't much pay attention to the plot, already knowing what's going to happen, so I looked for quality on more of a visual and scene-by-scene basis. Granted the scenes were not all tied together the best, but when you go to the movie at 10:30 in the morning, nothing makes sense anyway.
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