Gilmore Girls Rocked.
posted by P. Arty @ 7:01 PM
Hollywood Dave Ryan is a goofball. (Although, he did do a wonderful job with the graph.)
From Metzger and my improvizational pause in hand clapping during the theme song, to the extended shot of Richard's regretfully disappointed face, this episode was the dog's bullocks.
Ok, so that's not true. The first half of the episode was really pretty boring. No one wants to see Emily and her old, ugly friends gossiping about people we will never meet. Richard and Lorelai's interaction was just painful to watch. And Jackson and Sukie telling their kid (who doesn't look like he can stand up, let alone walk to the television) to turn down the tv was horrendously irritating (as was Luke during this scene). At this point I was ready to sit back and tolerate another boring, lackluster episode of Gilmore Girls.
But then it all turned around.
It started when Paris announced her conversion to socialism. Combine that with the funniest Kirk moment since his avant-garde film, the ever-so-brief return of sad Luke (before he got all that poisionous confidence), and his endearing conversation with Lorelai, and we're on our way back up hill.
Then came the beautifully juxtaposed confrontations between the elder Gilmores and the elder New-Tristans. I personally loved both of these interactions. For the first time since I can remember, I was very pleased with Richard and Emily.
All this mounted up to the last shot: Richard's melancholy face as he watched Rory address the attendees of her event, realizing how he had screwed things up. Wow. If the camera was slowly zooming out at the time, I would have sworn I was watching Six Feet Under. I can't wait for next week to see what he intends to do about this. Looks like Rory may end up back at Yale?? Delicious.
It's too bad you didn't like this one, HDR. I personally thought it was the best of the season (if for no other reason, the music during Kirk's dance). Well done, Amy Sheman-Palladino!
Edit: I just rewatched the last 5 minutes at Mootzgerina's place. Genius. I forgot to comment on how Mrs. New Tristen claimed to have "almost died" when she saw Paul McCartney live. Who wrote that line, me?
I agree with everything that you said was good (except the confrontations between the old-timers - which were underwhelming to say the least). But even with those good points, BEST EPISODE OF THE SEASON?!?! You've got to be ball-to-the-wall-nuts-in-your-face crazy, Hayden.
I am, however, giving this episode a chance. If it turns out Richard really is about to get some shit done and put Rory back on track, this episode will be listed as, "Dull but necessary", instead of "Terrible". I'm pretty sure it'll pay off, as I can't imagine they'd waste a whole episode on nothing.
P.S. "beautifully juxtaposed confrontations" - haha, you hack :)
Yeah, I try.
Still my favorite of the season.
You're nuts. And I love you.
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