Quick Break From Rehearsal
posted by Dan @ 9:59 PM
Ok - it's been a while sense I've posted. I'm sorry. My dance troop has been working overtime choreographing our "Goblet of Fire" routine in time for the movie opening in November. It should be pretty fantastic.
I did get enough time off to watch the Gilmore Girls last night. I loved it. I didn't get anything done at work because I was literally clapping all day long. I loved the Lorelei and Luke's Halloween argument. I loved when Luke buckled in an attempt to make Lorelei feel better. The Diss Fest was fantastic and the few moments of Lorelei and Rory talking were great. Oh yeah - they mentioned Rory having sex like 58 times.
- Hold on one second -
Ok, I'm back. I had to clap a little more - literally.
Well it looks like no new episode next week but I'm sure it will be great when it comes back. Until then I'll probably be clapping. Or dancing.
Haha, oh Metzger.
By "dance troop" he means him. I didn't tell you guys, but Metzger actually choreographed that whole routine, and danced as ALL the parts. (When I said see if you can spot him, it was a trick.) He used the magic of "computers" to superimpose himself as all the different characters. The hardest part was the hug at the beginning, he said.
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