More Like Diss Fest 2005
posted by Dave @ 9:00 AM
Gilmore Girls. Wow. Talk about the most diss-ful two minutes in the history of television. Great episode, very nice continuation of the plot, all good stuff. It seems that at the moment we have everyone on board except for Rory. And she'll come around. Oh boy will she come around. That's all I'll say, as apparently not everyone watches the scenes from next week, but hold on to your asses.
Did you catch the brief spats of banter? That good 'ol Gilmore Girls banter? It was there. It's still there. It just needs to be reawakened like a sleeping giant. It looks like Japan will bomb Pearl Harbor next week...
Wait. What the f. I just looked at the WB's website. It appears they are rerunning the season premier next week. And before the scenes it did say, "In the comming weeks" or something along those lines. Aw crap, looks like I'm killing myself next Tuesday.
(No Gilmore Girls + no Arrested Development in the same week = me killing myself)
Great episode. Better than 2 weeks ago. Best of the season.
Diss Fest 2005 set the bar very high for future Diss Fests.
I don't think Rory's going back to Yale.
Obviously better than two weeks ago. Yup, 'twas great. Post a review.
That diss fest was seriously being setup for like an entire season.
I don't particularly care about her going back to Yale all that much (though I do think she will go back next year / semester / whatever).
i second qualler's emotion. did i just read fluff on life after 208? i must have been reading a picture share on ijfp...
Ouch. The Diss-Fest ended with "Well done, Amy Sherman-Palladino," fellas. I'm starting to question the blogulator's devotion to the blogulution.
I'm not reviewing this one, as I took no notes, and I've already forgotten all of it. I liked it. That's my review.
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