The King's Magician's Alchemist
posted by Dave @ 9:59 AM
Troy was a man with a plan. A plan to stand tall in the face of seemingly unconquerable foes. The plan came together about a week ago after being told by his boss' boss (the King) that his mice that he supposedly made by putting a bag of grain near the fire for a few nights actually just walked in there. Troy was madd pissed. Troy set out to take over the kingdom and oust the big-mouth king.
"F him and his shit," Troy said atop the tree stump in the town square, "F him and his tyrrany and his lies!" This particular stump once grew tall and strong into a great oak that the people loved very much. They loved its shade and its leaves. The children loved climbing its branches and watching its squirrels. But that morning Troy had cut the tree down to make an appropriate stump. Because of this the townspeople were already not apt to listen to Troy. Also, they tended to like the king quite accutely. "Nay!" They called back in unison, "Nay, for the king is grand, and he does his job as well as any before him!" It was strange to hear it spoken by so many as if they were one.
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